Does Calisthenics Burn Fat?
Curious if calisthenics can help you burn fat? The answer is yes! Calisthenics, with its versatile bodyweight exercises, is an effective way to torch calories, build lean muscle, and boost...
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Curious if calisthenics can help you burn fat? The answer is yes! Calisthenics, with its versatile bodyweight exercises, is an effective way to torch calories, build lean muscle, and boost...
04/10/14 1. Death by Burpee Box Jump Overs with #50 Dumbbells - 1st round start with 3 reps, add 1 rep each minute until you cannot complete assigned reps -...
Yesterday's workout: Hang Squat Cleans (Low Hang) Rested :60s between efforts: #95, 145, 195, 225, 225, 245, 255 EMOM for 10 Minutes ODD: x2 Front Squat 85% #275 EVEN: x10...
My weekend was pretty lame duck - didn't get out to the mountains, stayed home in Spokane and kicked it with Mrs. Staton and looked at houses to buy...we're moving...
1) 3 position power clean (high hang, low hang, from floor) #135, 185, 205, 225 2) EoMOM (every other minute on the minute) for 7 Rounds of: 7 Deadlifts at...
04/01/2014 Snatch From Blocks (4x3) From the Top of the Knee ("Power Position"), reset each rep quickly #155. 1 min rest b/t efforts. Shoulders are beat up, and wrist is...
So glad to have the 2014 CrossFit Open under my belt - this year was a great year for me training wise. I went into the Open knowing that I...
Friday I decided to take another rest day, my body still not 100% needed some time away from loading. Headed to Idaho for some time in the woods. I was...
1. 3 Rounds for total time: 100 Double Unders + 5 C2B pull-ups + :60s Rest - 5:28Rx 2. 2 Rounds of max unbroken power clean reps touch & go...
Rest Day! Went to the range with my buddy Mark, it's what we do on Wednesdays. Talking plans for 2014, brainstorming new ideas and strategies - love it! We shot...
03/25/2014 Today for me was a mid volume session knowing that tomorrow I'll be doing active rest on the AirDyne, Rower, and Sled Pushes. I will also get to go...
03/24/2014 Slept about 9 hours last night, had to wake up and take some Advil in the middle of the night to dull the pain in my shoulder and wrist....
03/21/14 Training on Friday went like this: A quick dynamic warm-up with some mobility in the shoulder and hip. I'm battling a sprained wrist from overhead squats, a slight pull...
The Fear of Failure: A Key to Bowhunting Success None of us are immune to fear. Everyone has tasted failure and hated the feeling. It sucks and it doesn't make...