Answering Your Questions & BTS of our Elk Hunts...
ELKSHAPE Podcast - Answering your Q's Today we are going over some of the most often asked questions behind the scenes BTS Public Land Hustle Elk Hunting Videos Elk Application...
Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here
ELKSHAPE Podcast - Answering your Q's Today we are going over some of the most often asked questions behind the scenes BTS Public Land Hustle Elk Hunting Videos Elk Application...
Catching up with MFJJ today - learning about his new archery shop in Nashville (Nashville North), the upcoming Elk Immersion Experience, and discussing broadhead testing in Texas. #elkshape Listeners of...
Hangin' with my bro @nockperformance and chatting up real life and how to bet on yourself! #elkshape Listeners of the ElkShape Podcast Exclusives: 💢 Discount Codes 💢 BLACK RIFLE COFFEE | 20%...
Dan & Tyler are breaking down the backpack system they're running in 2025. Initial Ascent Listeners of the ElkShape Podcast Exclusives: 💢 Discount Codes 💢 BLACK RIFLE COFFEE |...
Our guest today is Adam Grenda out of King Salmon, Alaska - he's a family man who runs wild in Alaska trapping and hunting. He shares his story as he left...
Today we're discussing target archery with world indoor champ Bodie Turner and his dad Joel Turner Get registered for the 2025 Elk Immersion Here! #elkshape Listeners of the ElkShape...
Check out ElkShape Training #elkshape Listeners of the ElkShape Podcast Exclusives: 💢 Discount Codes 💢 BLACK RIFLE COFFEE | 20% OFF CODE: ELKSHAPE20 BORN PRIMITIVE 10% Off Code: ELKSHAPE CANVAS CUTTER 10% Off...
Today we're discussing not only custom arrow builds but how to improve your DIY arrow builds with Dustin Adams of Adam's Precision Archery. This is a fun conversation centered around...
Towson is currently serving, has a wife and 3 kids, and still manages to continuously get our West and put big critters on the ground. I've been following Towson on...
Carter Lewis is a repeat guest of the podcast, be sure to check out his first visit where he goes over what it's like hunting on one leg - he's...
I met Rya through my buddy Cory Miller of Black Eagle Arrows - he told me about this crazy girl on TikTok who's really getting into archery with the goal...
Today we get to chat with Easton's VP of Sales & Marketing Tyson Yates! Besides wearing a suit, this guy is a dedicated bowhunter and we're discussing the NEW Easton...
Today we are chatting with Matt Erickson, marketing director for Crispi Hunting... Matt had a Wyoming general tag this last September, we go over the hunt, what he did well...