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  • Week 20 | 2019

    Week 20 | 2019

    Monday 5/13/19 Box Squats 12" Box 68% x 5 236#, 78% x3 275#, 88% 2x1 305# GHD Raises 4x8 Reverse Hypers 4x12 21-15-9 For Time: Deadlift 185#, Bar Facing Burpees,...

  • Week 23 | 2018

    Week 23 | 2018

    3 Day Bear hunt this week, left town and took my buddy from Wisconsin out for an Idaho bear. We did end up getting him an opportunity but ultimately we...

  • Week 15 | 2018

    Week 15 | 2018

    Monday 4/16/2018 1. EMOM for 12 Minutes Minutes 1-5 | clean pull + hang power clean + power clean + jerk | 205# Minutes 5-12 | power clean + jerk...

  • Almost September

    Almost September

    Monday 8/21/17 1. Snatches 95x3,115x3,135x3,155x2,165x2,175x2,185x1,175x3 2. snatch grip deadlift w/pause at power position 5 seconds 5x5 #175 3. Back squats 5x5 climbing #155,205,235,255,275 4. For Time: 30 cal bike 5...

  • June Winding Down...

    June Winding Down...

    Below average training week to say the least, however I did shoot more than I have in the last few weeks. I feel pretty dialed. I am going with Grip...

  • Back from the Mountains

    Back from the Mountains

    BEAR CAMP Monday and Tuesday, temps were in the high 80's so the baits were not getting hit, and spot and stalk opportunities were nonexistent. I believe the bear rut...

  • CF GAMES Master's Online Qualifier Workouts

    CF GAMES Master's Online Qualifier Workouts

    Monday 4/17/2017 1. Power Snatch + Overhead Squat (build up to heavy single) | #95,115,125,135,135,145,155,170,175,175 2. Snatch pulls from Deficit 3x5 #195, 2x5 no deficit #205 3. Back Squats 5x5...

  • Bear Hunting Adventure...

    Bear Hunting Adventure...

    Monday June 13th, 2016 Wanted to say Happy Birthday to my lovely mother! You are beautiful!!! 1. Snatch Singles: #175,185,195,205,210 2. Snatch High Pulls: 5x2 #230 Across 3. Back Squat...

  • Back From Bear Camp

    Back From Bear Camp

    Today's the first workout back from a 10-day bear hunt, while at bear camp I did on little itty-bitty workout: 5 Rounds (not for time) #155 3 Power Snatches 3...

  • Banzai Run

    Banzai Run

    Midweek banzai run to hunt bears in Idaho 1pm - got off from work, headed to Idaho. Got to the cabin around 4pm and set-up bait buckets, grabbed my gear,...

  • Bomb Run

    Bomb Run

    Left the gym wednesday after work, drove out to N. Idaho, checked 3 baits spread out over 50 miles on the razer... 1 out of 3 was being hit down...

  • Dial Broadheads Early

    Dial Broadheads Early

    My weekend was pretty lame duck - didn't get out to the mountains, stayed home in Spokane and kicked it with Mrs. Staton and looked at houses to buy...we're moving...