Week 23 | 2018

3 Day Bear hunt this week, left town and took my buddy from Wisconsin out for an Idaho bear. We did end up getting him an opportunity but ultimately we didn't get it done. I kept hunting my 7 foot bear and he "daylighted" twice this week, just at odd times when I was sitting the bait. I think he's super old and disciplined, circling the stand from a long ways off even though I only snuck into the stand with thermals already turned on. I don't think I'll get another crack at him either. Maybe next year Arnold!
Monday 6/11/2018
1. Build to a heavy Push-Press | 210#
2. 7 minute Clock:
4 Minute AMRAP 3" Deficit Strict HSPU - 33 reps
3 Minute AMRAP Strict Bar Dips - 37 reps
3. 3 Rounds For Time:
27 cal row
21 deadlifts 135#
15 bar facing burpees
9 shoulder to overhead 135# | 13:58
4. Accumulate 2 minutes of L-Sits (8 sets to complete)
Tuesday 6/12/2018
1. Front Squats
205# 3x1
3x1 (255#,275#,290#)
2. For Time:
1:45 HIITMILLX Farmer Walk
30 box jumps 24:
30 wall ball shots
1:45 HIITMILLX Farmer Walk
21 kettlebell swings 53#
12 pull-ups
1:45 HIITMILLX Farmer Walk
21 kettlebell swings 53#
12 pull-ups
1:45 HIITMILLX Farmer Walk
30 box jumps 24:
30 wall ball shots | 16:57
3. 4 Rounds Not For Time (but only rest if needed)
15 Push-ups
5 Bar Muscle ups
Wednesday 6/13/2018
1. 3 Position Power Snatch (hip,knee,floor) | 95,105,115,135,145#
2. EMOM Power Snatch 5 Minutes | 150,155,160,165,170#
3. 60 Clean & Jerks for Time 115#, 2 Muscle Ups interruption every minute on the minute and the workout starts with 2 muscle ups. | 7:21
4. 5:00 Clock
5 Rounds of Chest to Bar "Cindy"
(5 chest to bar pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats)
AMRAP Calories on Bike | 18
ElkShape Partners
HIITMillX ElkShape Trainer
Bohning Archery
Caribou Gear Game Bags
Hoyt Achery
Mtn Ops
Vortex Optics
Exo Mountain Gear
Option Archery
Easton Archery
Sitka Gear
Kenetrek Boots
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