June Winding Down...

Below average training week to say the least, however I did shoot more than I have in the last few weeks. I feel pretty dialed. I am going with Grip Reaper broadheads (Micro Hades 3 Blade) for the season. After shooting my bear a week ago and seeing the damage, plus their low profile makes for great flight. I have one more bear tag to go and one last day to hunt this Friday, and I am trying to kill a BIG boar that is hitting my dad's bait. He's been coming in with his lady friend, hopefully he stays all week. I hunted him this last Saturday afternoon/evening and he didn't show. My dad is going to bait one more time Wednesday and hunt him Thursday, if he doesn't get him then I will go after him Friday.
I was able to get 5 more cameras up for elk, got two camera cards out that were soaking all year long. I have a big bull to hunt, just have to make sure he made it and that he doesn't leave again for the rut. I only had him on camera in August and half of September, then he split for the rut. On a side note, I had another trail camera stolen, people suck.
Monday 6/19/17
1. Power Snatch 3x2 65% #140
2. Snatch Pull 3x3 100% #215
3. Back Squat 3x3 70% #255
4. 7 rounds of 6 muscle ups, rest :30s b/t sets
5. 5 Rounds for time:
60 double unders
30 cal row
15 overhead squats | 26:42
Tuesday 6/20/17
1. 3 rounds of 4x200m Run, rest :20sec | rest 1:00 b/t rounds
Splits: 4:44, 5:02, 4:58 total times
2. Kipping HSPU Intervals:
18 - rest 1:00
15 - rest :45
12 - rest :30
9 - rest :15
3. 3 minute as many reps as possible: power snatches #155 - 19 reps
rest 1 minute
3 minutes as many reps as possible: power clean and jerk #155 - 27 reps
4. For Time:
35 cal Assault Bike
800m Row
30 KB Hang Clean and Jerks #35's
20 bar facing burpees | 9:49
Wednesday 6/21/17
1. Deadlift 6x5 #155,185,230,265,305,340
2. Front Squat Dead Stop (Bottom) #155x5, 185x5, 205x5, 225x3, 245x3, 245x3
3. Bench 155x6, 185x6, 195x6, 205x6
4. Reverse Hypers 4x10
5. Conditioning:
25m Prowler #165 + 6 Dball over shoulder #150
50m Prowler + 5 Dball
75m Prowler + 4 Dball
100m Prowler + 3 Dball
125m Prowler + 2 Dball | 9:50
6. Accessory 20-15-13-12 GHD Sit-up Paired with 1arm Strict KB press #26, #35,#44, #53 6-10 each arm