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Last Ditch Effort

Last Ditch Effort
I hunted Friday 6/30/17, the last day of spring bear in the unit I have a tag for. I didn't see anything! I did however, get another camera hung for elk, spent 3 hours sawing and clearing trail for the dirt bike allowing me access to the backcountry. I also cut a huge load of firewood, poured concrete for the floor of my DIY meat locker at my cabin. So it was productive! I am bummed I didn't get two bears this spring, I usually do. There's always fall bear hunting though. Great week of scouting and working hard now, so that when fall rolls around I'll be ready! Monday 6/26/2017 1. Snatch (blocks) Power + OHS 2+2 | #135,145,155,155,155 2. Halting Snatch Grip Deadlift (at knees) 3 sec pause | 5x5 #165 3. Back Squat 3x5 #265 x1 286, 296, 300 4. Isabel - 30 snatches for time #135 | 2:43 5. 5 rounds EMOM min 1 - 150m Run min 2 - 7 ring muscle ups min 3 - 15 GHD sit-ups min 4 - 15 back extensions Tuesday 6/27/2017 1. Barbell Conditioning EMOM 6 minutes min 1-3 #165 squat snatch x4 min 4-6 #165 clean and jerk x4 2. 18-15-12-9-6 kipping HSPU 3. 4 minute AMRAP x3 (rest 4:00 b/t amraps) 27 cal row + 21 power cleans + 15 burpee box jump overs 24" rd1 - #135 59 reps rd2 - #115 60 reps rd3 - #95 63 reps 4. EMOM for 6 minutes ODD: 50' unbroken handstand walk EVEN: 4 Dball over shoulder #150 Wednesday 6/28/2017 1. Power Clean + Front Squat 2+2 | #155,175,185,185,185 2. Halting Clean Grip Deadlift (at knees) 3 sec pause | #185 3. Front Squats 3x5 #235, x1 #255, 265, 275 4. 4x18 chest to bar pull-ups, rest :30 b/t rounds 5. 5 rounds for time: 15 thrusters #95 + 200m Run 12 thrusters #115 + 200m Run 9 thrusters #135 + 200m Run 6 thrusters #155 + 200m Run 3 thrusters #185 + 200m Run | 9:58 Thursday 6/29/2017 For Time: 800m Run 50 deadlifts #135 50 pull-ups 600m Run 25 deadlifts #185 25 strict handstand push-ups 400m Run 10 deadlifts #245 10 ring muscle ups | 17:02 ElkShape Partners Bohning Archery Caribou Gear Game Bags Hoyt Achery Mtn Ops Vortex Optics Exo Mountain Gear Option Archery Easton Archery Sitka Gear FHF Gear Kenetrek Boots OnXmaps Elk Shape Youtube Channel Elk Shape BOOK Phelps Quality Game Calls

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