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  • Limping into 2015

    Limping into 2015

    I just woke up, it's 4pm on New Year's Eve, I've been in bed since about 10pm from the night before. This "effing" cold / sinus infection has been kicking...

  • Blah!


    I've been in my bed for about the last 6 days thinking of ways to kill myself. Just kidding, but seriously I haven't been this sick in a while. It...

  • 2014-12-22T00:00:00.000-08:00


    1st day of winter and it's sunny out - wow, what a marvelous day. Ok, so I tested out a swim workout, holy shit I suck at swimming, I mean...

  • TGIF


    Today, I am feeling those pause squats and speed squats from yesterday, but I did mange to get 1 workout in and it was fun... For Time: 80 Burpee Box...

  • 2014-12-18T00:00:00.000-08:00

    AM STRENGTH 1) EMOM for 5:00-2 T&G Power Snatches @ 80% (of max PS) #155 2) EMOM for 5:00- 2 T&G Power Clean & Push Jerks @ 75% (of max...

  • Tuesday (big volume)

    AM SESSION 1) 5X1@80% High Pull (from floor) + Hang Snatch #155 2) 5X1@80% Hang Clean (power position) + Front Squat + Jerk #185 BB Cycling 3X5 UB Cleans (full...

  • 2014-12-15T00:00:00.000-08:00


    Today's featured image is my friend Tyler Denham with his DIY OIL Moose Tag from Idaho... in fact, his story can be found in this month's Eastman's Hunting Journal. Well...

  • Thursday & Friday

    Well put a fork in me - I'm done for the week training wise. I am headed up to my cabin in Idaho, I am going to try and kill...

  • It's A Battle

    It's A Battle

    About 1 month out from a big partner style CrossFit competition, it's my main motivation each day to tackle weaknesses head on. I don't want to be exposed on a...

  • Go Hawks

    Go Hawks

    Big game for the hawks today, in Phili and we need a big 'W.' Went into the gym for a session today: Outlaw Barbell 5x1 Full Snatch - work up...

  • Friday


    The first event of my upcoming competition was posted today, looks pretty nasty. 12/5/14 Outlaw Barbell 1) Power Snatch: 5X1 – work to a max single for the day, rest...

  • Strength Day

    Strength Day

    Hiked 3 miles today on a lunch break, got one of my many tree stands out of the mountains. Felt so good to be outside in the cold mountain air....

  • Monday & Tuesday

    Monday & Tuesday

    Back to the GrindStone baby. One tag left for WA Late Season Elk, on public ground, near Spokane... should be a total crapshoot. Until my next hunt, I'm training my...