Does Calisthenics Burn Fat?
Curious if calisthenics can help you burn fat? The answer is yes! Calisthenics, with its versatile bodyweight exercises, is an effective way to torch calories, build lean muscle, and boost...
Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here
Curious if calisthenics can help you burn fat? The answer is yes! Calisthenics, with its versatile bodyweight exercises, is an effective way to torch calories, build lean muscle, and boost...
I just woke up, it's 4pm on New Year's Eve, I've been in bed since about 10pm from the night before. This "effing" cold / sinus infection has been kicking...
I've been in my bed for about the last 6 days thinking of ways to kill myself. Just kidding, but seriously I haven't been this sick in a while. It...
1st day of winter and it's sunny out - wow, what a marvelous day. Ok, so I tested out a swim workout, holy shit I suck at swimming, I mean...
Today, I am feeling those pause squats and speed squats from yesterday, but I did mange to get 1 workout in and it was fun... For Time: 80 Burpee Box...
AM STRENGTH 1) EMOM for 5:00-2 T&G Power Snatches @ 80% (of max PS) #155 2) EMOM for 5:00- 2 T&G Power Clean & Push Jerks @ 75% (of max...
AM SESSION 1) 5X1@80% High Pull (from floor) + Hang Snatch #155 2) 5X1@80% Hang Clean (power position) + Front Squat + Jerk #185 BB Cycling 3X5 UB Cleans (full...
Today's featured image is my friend Tyler Denham with his DIY OIL Moose Tag from Idaho... in fact, his story can be found in this month's Eastman's Hunting Journal. Well...
Well put a fork in me - I'm done for the week training wise. I am headed up to my cabin in Idaho, I am going to try and kill...
About 1 month out from a big partner style CrossFit competition, it's my main motivation each day to tackle weaknesses head on. I don't want to be exposed on a...
Big game for the hawks today, in Phili and we need a big 'W.' Went into the gym for a session today: Outlaw Barbell 5x1 Full Snatch - work up...
The first event of my upcoming competition was posted today, looks pretty nasty. 12/5/14 Outlaw Barbell 1) Power Snatch: 5X1 – work to a max single for the day, rest...
Hiked 3 miles today on a lunch break, got one of my many tree stands out of the mountains. Felt so good to be outside in the cold mountain air....
Back to the GrindStone baby. One tag left for WA Late Season Elk, on public ground, near Spokane... should be a total crapshoot. Until my next hunt, I'm training my...