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Tuesday (big volume)

AM SESSION 1) 5X1@80% High Pull (from floor) + Hang Snatch #155 2) 5X1@80% Hang Clean (power position) + Front Squat + Jerk #185 BB Cycling 3X5 UB Cleans (full squat – from the floor) @ 65% (of max Clean) – rest 90 sec.#185 Accessories 1a) 3X2@80% Paused Clean Pulls (3 count pause at knee) – rest 90 sec. #285,305#305 1b) 3X2@80% Push Press + Hold (3 count lockout hold overhead) – rest 90 sec. #185 1c) 3×5 Weighted pull-ups – rest 90 sec. #40 PM SESSION Running Clock 0 – 12:00 “Jackie” Row 1k 50 Thrusters #45 30 Pull-ups 5:45 12:00 – 19:00 5 Rounds For Time 7 Thrusters #115 7 Toes to Bar 3:54 25:00 – 30:00 For Time 16-12-8 Burpees Alternating Pistols 3:41 30:00 – 35:00 Build up to a heavy Front Squat Triple #295

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