I just woke up, it's 4pm on New Year's Eve, I've been in bed since about 10pm from the night before. This "effing" cold / sinus infection has been kicking my ass. I don't have much for energy, and my snot production is impressive. I am taking today off from training, and I have not done any met-con since December 21st, hoping tomorrow that I can test out some of the workouts that are coming up in an invitational competition.
Here's what I got done yesterday... and remember, if it looks easy on paper, it's going to be ridiculously difficult.
1) Clean and Jerk (based on 1rm C&J) NOT POWER CLEANS SO SUCK IT UP!
1×5@50% #155, 1×5@60% #180, 1×5@70% #210, 2×5@75%x #225, 1×5@70% #210 (30 squat clean and jerks total, damn!)
2) Drop Snatch (drop snatch = no heave, based on 1rm snatch)
1×5@50% #95, 1×5@60% #115, 1×5@70% #135, 2×5@75% #115, 1×5@70% #95
*if the weight gets too heavy to not use a heave, go ahead and add it.
3) RDL (based on 1rm clean)
1×5@50% #155, 1×5@60% #180, 1×5@70% #210, 2×5@75%x #225, 1×5@70% #210
Also worked on L-sits to HS Holds on Parallets, and I think I did my first, but the world's ugliest forward roll to support.