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I've been in my bed for about the last 6 days thinking of ways to kill myself. Just kidding, but seriously I haven't been this sick in a while. It started with a common cold that lasted a few days, in fact I didn't workout, but then it started to fade out. So I hit the gym hard, went swimming, crushed wods, etc... then the fever hit. I had 103 degree temp and had the chills. I slept for like 24 hours... yes as in 24 hours. Then through the holidays I just laid around a total grump because I felt like shit and couldn't workout, my poor wife! Today was my first day back in about a week, and I am thinking that this competition coming up is probably going to kick my ass! Sorry Kevin.

1) 3 Position Snatch (2 each from Top Down, based on 1rm SN)
– 1×1@50% #105, 1×1@60% #125, 1×1@70% #135, 2×1@75% #155, 1×1@70% #135
(2 snatches from the power position, 2 snatches from knee, 2 snatches from the floor = 1 set. 75% has two sets) Bar may be dropped and quickly reset at any point.

2) Jerk from Blocks/Racks (based on 1rm jerk)
– 1×5@50% #155, 1×5@60% #185, 1×5@70% #210, 2×5@75%x #230, 1×5@70% #210

3) Halting Clean Pull (Pause Just Below knee & at Power Pos, based on 1rm clean) – 1×5@50% #155, 1×5@60% #185, 1×5@70% #210, 2×5@75%x #230, 1×5@70% #210

4) Front Squat (based on 1rm Front Squat)
– 1×5@50% #160, 1×5@60% #195, 1×5@70% #225, 2×5@75% #245 , 1×5@70% #225.

5) Glute Ham Raises 3x ME Reps 8,7,6 (with empty barbell)

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