Does Calisthenics Burn Fat?
Curious if calisthenics can help you burn fat? The answer is yes! Calisthenics, with its versatile bodyweight exercises, is an effective way to torch calories, build lean muscle, and boost...
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Curious if calisthenics can help you burn fat? The answer is yes! Calisthenics, with its versatile bodyweight exercises, is an effective way to torch calories, build lean muscle, and boost...
Went head to head with Cole Sager, CrossFit Games Athlete and favorite from the NorthWest and Canada West Super-Regional. Not only is he a top athlete, but an even better...
CrossFit Open 15.4 03/19/2015 8-minute AMRAP: 3 handstand push-ups 3 cleans 6 handstand push-ups 3 cleans 9 handstand push-ups 3 cleans 12 handstand push-ups 6 cleans 15 handstand push-ups 6...
Wednesday 03/11/2015 - 700m recovery swim at YMCA - technique based, getting comfortable with additional meters, working on efficiency and as always breathing. Smooth is Fast. Thursday 03/12/2015 - REST...
1. Weakness warm-up 100 calorie row - 5:25 2. Met-Con For time: 40 Bar facing burpees 20 Deadlifts 275/185lbs 20 Bar facing burpees 10 Deadlifts 275/185lbs 10 Bar facing burpees...
Wednesday 03/04/2015 Swim day at the YMCA, got some great coaching, technique is improving. Did around 500m. Thursday 03/05/2015 1. Primer AMRAP 3 Minutes 6 Burpees 6 Clean and Jerk...
Oh man, today I woke up and knew it was going to a rough day of training. By the way, spring is in the air! 1. Warm-up 100 Double-unders Row...
02/27/15 1. Primer 75 Double-unders 15 Assault Bike calories 75 Double-unders 2:25 2. For time: 30 Wallballs #30 5 Bar MU’s 25 Wallballs 4 Bar MU’s 20 Wallballs 3 Bar...
Well the 2015 open has arrived. Tonight 15.1 gets announced, and Froning vs Fraser goes down. This is the start to the "Games Season" which keeps me pretty focused over...
Can't believe the open is finally here. I'm ready, here's to training hard through the open, getting better during the open, preparing for Regionals during the open. I have my...
02/19/15 1. High Hang Full Snatches Doubles #135,155,165,175,180,185(missed 2nd rep) 2. Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift (pause at knee for 3 sec) 4x3 #185,205,225,225 3. AMRAP 8 Minutes 15 Thrusters 75/55lbs...
I took the day off from bang 'n clang. YMCA Pool served up this: 10 Rounds for Total Time: 50m swim rest :30 sec 13:13 I filmed some of my...
Here's some footage of yesterday's training... 1.Warm-up Run 1 Mile 7:35 - 80% effort 2. Met-Con AMRAP 12 Minutes – Climb the Ladder 1 Power Snatch 135/95lbs 1 Muscle-up 2...
Saturday 02/15/2015 Partner Wod - 125 dubz 500m Row 25 lunges each #185 50 toes to bars 9 minutes and change Sled pushes + 400m Sprints Sunday 02/16/2015 - 10...