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  • 7 Weeks Out

    7 Weeks Out

    Monday June 29th 2015 AM Session 1. Establish a heavy clean - made it up to #255, joints were saying no go 2. Double Front Squats + Jerk - #225-255...

  • 8 Weeks Out

    8 Weeks Out

    Check out this blog post I did for Mystery Ranch Monday June 22nd 2015 1. Clean and Jerk EMOMx10: 3 Reps #195 2. Back Squat Work up to a heavy...

  • 9 Weeks Out...

    9 Weeks Out...

    Monday June 15th, 2015 Strength 5 Complexes of: 5 Push Presses 5 Front Squat 5 Thrusters Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. You choose the weight. Same weight for all 3...

  • 10 Weeks Out...

    10 Weeks Out...

    Monday 6/9/2015 With a 16 minute running clock: A. EMOM: 14 Odd: Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch #145 Even: 30′ HS Walk B. Establish a 5RM...

  • Bear Camp

    Bear Camp

    Bear camp 2015 was as always, a necessary break from the mundane everyday normal existence. It was great to reunite with great friends, hear many stories, and capture some awesome...

  • May Bear

    May Bear

    Here's my first bear of 2015. I have 2 more tags to go for the spring. A couple of states and a lot of miles to cover, but that will...

  • Elk Shape Creed

    It's a privilege to have a connection with God's amazing creation.  Never taking for granted a moment in time that we get to spend outside pursuing elk in their rugged...

  • How to Scout for Mountain Bucks

    How to Scout for Mountain Bucks

    This video showcases how much I rely on trail cameras to find big bucks and their core areas in the mountains. The way I figure, bucks drink everyday and so...

  • DIY Spring Bear Hunting

    DIY Spring Bear Hunting

    Well it is that time of the year, time for spring bears. I used to be an avid turkey hunter in the spring, until I started bear hunting. Then I...

  • 2015 Open Finished

    2015 Open Finished

    Yes, a little bruised EGO in 2015. I can't control the programming, some of the programming might have not been fair, but at the end of the day, life isn't...

  • 15.5 Strategy

    15.5 Strategy

    Did the last open wod today #15point5 and it was as advertised | Power + Engine 27-21-15-9 reps for time of: Row (calories) Thrusters M 95 lb. F 65 lb....

  • Now's the time to get in elk shape

    Now's the time to get in elk shape

    Featured Image: an Internet ad for Mtn Ops Today - Recovery Swim - 500 meters of technique work. LINK Extreme Elk Blog http://extremeelk.com/nows-the-time-to-get-in-elk-shape Check out this video on early elk...

  • Spring Spot & Stalk Bears

    Spring Spot & Stalk Bears

    Today's HORRIBLE Training Day: 1. Weakness warm-up Run 1 mile 6:14 2. Met-Con 20-10-5 Bar facing burpees Power snatch 135/95lbs 8:09 3. OLY EMOM for 6 Rounds 3 Back squat...