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7 Weeks Out

7 Weeks Out

Monday June 29th 2015
AM Session
1. Establish a heavy clean - made it up to #255, joints were saying no go
2. Double Front Squats + Jerk - #225-255

PM Session
1. EMOMx15 1 Power Snatch + Squat Snatch + OHS Heaviest I went was #155
2. Strength
2×10 Front Squats #205
3. Conditioning
” Jackie”
1k Row
50 Thrusters #45/35
30 pull-ups - 6:13 - slow on the row!

Did not shoot a single arrow today, I apologize!

Tuesday June 30th 2015
1. Power Snatch+Hang Full Snatch+Full Snatch+OHS - Made it up to #175, still have a ways to go, but my wrist is slowing getting better.
2. Heavy Triple Back Squat #305
3. Partner Wod:
100 wall ball shots #30
100 burpees onto bumper
3 rounds each of a 200m sandbag run

Shot 3 arrows tonight, all good shots in my backyard, tomorrow morning I will head to do the local 3D range, still battling some tendonitis in both elbows and shooting doesn't make it feel much better, I'm off to go watch House of Cards with my wife and ice both knees.

Wednesday July 1 2015
1. This Complex: Front Squat + Push Press + Thruster - made it to #225.
2. Death by Thruster #135 - 10 rounds +7 reps
3. Accessory Work - Reverse Hypers, GHD Raises, Pendlay Rows
4. Shot 30 arrows at the range, bow is dialed, furthest shot 90 yards, average distance 70 yards, closest shot 40 yards.
5. Built 6 arrows - FMJ Deep Six

Thursday July 2 2015
1,000 meter swim - 22:00.

Friday July 3rd
1. EMOM for 7 Rounds
Power Clean + Jerk
Hang Power Clean + Jerk
Squat Clean + Split Jerk

2. Partner Workout
20FS #135
40 Wall Balls #30
200m Relay
30 C&J #135
400m Relay
30 C&J
200m Relay
40 Wall Balls #30
20 FS #135

Weekend report, went scouting for elk. Found a few new game trails, checked 6 cameras. Cleared out a ton of brush for my sneak trails. Put up a tree stand/ladder in the middle of the woods over water. This year is going to be so dry and water is going to be concentrated, just like the elk.

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