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Wednesday 03/11/2015 - 700m recovery swim at YMCA - technique based, getting comfortable with additional meters, working on efficiency and as always breathing. Smooth is Fast.

Thursday 03/12/2015 - REST DAY

Friday 03/13/2015
Workout 15.3
14-minute AMRAP:
7 muscle-ups
50 wall balls
100 double-unders
509 REPS - One and Done.

Monday 03/15/2015
1. Primer
15 Pull-ups
25 Empty bar thrusters
Row 500m

2. Met-Con
AMRAP 7 Minutes – Climb the ladder
3 Thrusters #135
3 Calorie row
6 Thrusters
6 Calorie row
9 Thrusters
9 Calorie row
And so on… 74 Reps

3. OLY
Every 30 seconds for 8 sets @80% of your power clean 1RM:
1 Power Clean – Drop the weight – 1 Squat Clean

4. Extra Credit
Squat Clean Thruster + Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk
#205-215 at 5 sets

1. Warm-up
4 Slow Rounds
15 empty bar OH walking lunges
Row 250m

2. Met-Con
5 Rounds
10 Deadlift 225/155lbs
10 Alternating pistols
10 Strict HSPU

3. OLY
EMOM for 6 Rounds
3 Back squat @70%
#275 - felt shitty

4. Interval Work
AMRAP 1 Minute x8
5 Touch and go squat cleans 165/110lbs
5 Shoulder to OH 165/110lbs
Max Assault Bike calories in remaining time
Rest 1 minute
29 Calories - worst workout I've done in a long time.

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