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  • Week 24 | 2018

    Week 24 | 2018

    6/18/2018 Monday 1. Split Jerks 135x3,165x3,175x3,195x3 | 215x1,225x1,235x1,235x1 2. 30 Ring Muscle ups for time | 2:43 3. Box Squats Triples EMOM 10 265# 4. 21-18-15-12-9 For Time: Bike Calories...

  • Week 15 | 2018

    Week 15 | 2018

    Monday 4/16/2018 1. EMOM for 12 Minutes Minutes 1-5 | clean pull + hang power clean + power clean + jerk | 205# Minutes 5-12 | power clean + jerk...

  • Week 6 | 2018

    Week 6 | 2018

    Here's a week's worth of training for elk hunting fitness: 02/11/2018 Sunday 1. 5 sets climbing 4 front squats + 1 jerk 155,185,195,205,225# 2. EMOM 14 Even: 5 bar muscle...

  • Almost September

    Almost September

    Monday 8/21/17 1. Snatches 95x3,115x3,135x3,155x2,165x2,175x2,185x1,175x3 2. snatch grip deadlift w/pause at power position 5 seconds 5x5 #175 3. Back squats 5x5 climbing #155,205,235,255,275 4. For Time: 30 cal bike 5...

  • Birthday Week

    Birthday Week

    Monday 8/7/2017 1. OHS 4x6 #165,185,205,215 2. 4 Rounds For Time: 20 cal row 16 wall ball shots #30 ball 10' target 8 hang power snatches #115 | 12:49 Tuesday...

  • CF GAMES Master's Online Qualifier Workouts

    CF GAMES Master's Online Qualifier Workouts

    Monday 4/17/2017 1. Power Snatch + Overhead Squat (build up to heavy single) | #95,115,125,135,135,145,155,170,175,175 2. Snatch pulls from Deficit 3x5 #195, 2x5 no deficit #205 3. Back Squats 5x5...

  • Baby Boy...

    Baby Boy...

    As of this writing, our baby boy is still not here yet, but I can tell it is almost time. This week I have CrossFit Regionals (WEST) in Portland. Our...

  • 2 weeks out...

    2 weeks out...

    The birth of my son | cannot wait!!!! 2016 CrossFit West Regionals | the current plan is to compete Monday May 9th, 2016 1. With a partner: 15-15-10-10-5-5 strict HSPU...

  • 16.5


    Application season in full effect! AZ | Elk app in, fingers crossed for late season archery elk NM | Elk app in, 4% success draws... so you're saying there's a...

  • 16.3


    Monday March 7th, 2016 1. 16.2 Redo Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4, 8, 12, 16 or 20 minutes of: 25 toes-to-bars 50 double-unders 15 squat...

  • CrossFit Open 16.1

    CrossFit Open 16.1

    The official start to the 2016 CrossFit Games season. Either as a coach or athlete, I'm going to the games this year! Here's what I did for the week training...

  • 15.5 Strategy

    15.5 Strategy

    Did the last open wod today #15point5 and it was as advertised | Power + Engine 27-21-15-9 reps for time of: Row (calories) Thrusters M 95 lb. F 65 lb....

  • 15.4 CrossFit Open

    15.4 CrossFit Open

    CrossFit Open 15.4 03/19/2015 8-minute AMRAP: 3 handstand push-ups 3 cleans 6 handstand push-ups 3 cleans 9 handstand push-ups 3 cleans 12 handstand push-ups 6 cleans 15 handstand push-ups 6...