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Application season in full effect! AZ | Elk app in, fingers crossed for late season archery elk NM | Elk app in, 4% success draws... so you're saying there's a chance CO | Ghost points for elk and deer (9 points) and paper app in for big horn sheep $$$ WY | Didn't draw elk with 1 under max points... some day, sheep app in and waiting results in May NV | Will do that app Monday ID | Will put in for Mountain Goat mid April UT | App done and waiting for results Monday March 21st, 2016 1. 3 rds not for time (warm up) 200m run + 18cal on rower, ski erg, assault bike, 10 burpee box jumps 24" 2. Hang squat snatch doubles #135-190 3. Hang squat clean doubles #175-265 4. Back squat triples 3x3 #305 5. 9-15-21 row calories + power snatches #115 | 7:35 6. Bent over BB rows #135 4x8 Tuesday March 22nd, 2016 Every 8 minutes do the WOD: 1. 3 Rounds For Time 10 Thrusters, 115/80 5 Muscle ups | 2:55 2. Conditioning 3 RFT: 12 OHS, 115/80 12 Box Jumps, 24/20 | 3:55 3. Conditioning 3 RFT: 15 Jerks, 115/80 15 C2B | 2:59 Wednesday March 23rd, 2016 1. Power snatch doubles #155-180 2. EMOM 12 min Odd: 3 snatches #135 Even: 40 dubz Every 3rd minute do both in the same minute 3. C&J Barbell cycling with the Axle bar #115,145,175,195,205 4. Partner WOD: 15 hang power cleans each #115 50' HS Walk 2 rope climbs each 10 hang power cleans each 50' HS Walk 1 rope climb each 6:25 Thursday March 24th, 2016 Rest Day Yoga for Crossfitters Friday March 25th, 2016 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of: Thrusters Burpees Men use 95 lb. 10:06 Last time I did this workout was in 2014 with a 10:47. DEATH! Saturday March 26th, 2016 CPAT TEST and the Written Test for the local fire department, fingers crossed! That was my first time taking that monster of a test. And Yes, I passed the physical without breaking a sweat. I was able to sneak over to the archery range and run through the 3D course. Shot a few broadheads and field points to close out the session and the bow is tuned!

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