Birthday Week

Monday 8/7/2017
1. OHS 4x6 #165,185,205,215
2. 4 Rounds For Time:
20 cal row
16 wall ball shots #30 ball 10' target
8 hang power snatches #115 | 12:49
Tuesday 8/8/2017
Archery Range in the morning...
1. Snatch Doubles #75,105,135,155,165,175,185,185 | didn't feel very mobile
2.5 rep max thruster | #135,175,196,201
3. 9 minute clock:
4 rounds of...
10 toes to bar
20 box step-ups 24" box, #35's dummbells
remaining time max ring muscle ups | 13 reps
4. 7 minute AMRAP:
5 power cleans #195
7 bar facing burpees
9 pull-ups | 4 rounds
Wednesday 8/9/2017
1. warm-up: 15 cal ski erg, 400m trueform run, 20 cal bike, crossover symmetry activation
2. Bench DB's 10 reps | #40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 70's, 70's
3. Back Squat | #135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 255x3, 275x3, 300x3
4. Banded barbell good mornings (red bands) 8 reps | #45,75,105,105
5. Tempo Deadlifts (2-2-2) x5 | #225,225,225
6. Split Jerks x5 | #95,145,165,185,205
7. For Time:
15-12-9 KB 1 arm Snatch #70 + GHDSU
800m Run
15-12-9 KB 1 arm Snatch #70 + GHDSU | 12:00
Thursday 8/10/2017
Happy Birth to my beautiful Wife!
Friday 8/11/2017
Today I turn 36 years young:
Team of 3 workout:
500m Run together
50 Dball ground to shoulder #150 | 1 person working at a time
100 burpee box jump overs 24" | 1 person working at a time
50 bar muscle ups | 1 person working at a time
100 hang squat clean thrusters #135 | 1 person working at a time
500m Run together | 24:48
ElkShape Partners
Bohning Archery
Caribou Gear Game Bags
Hoyt Achery
Mtn Ops
Vortex Optics
Exo Mountain Gear
Option Archery
Easton Archery
Sitka Gear
FHF Gear
Kenetrek Boots
Elk Shape Youtube Channel
Elk Shape BOOK
Phelps Quality Game Calls