Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here

First Week of the Open Done.

First Week of the Open Done.

1. Primer
75 Double-unders
15 Assault Bike calories
75 Double-unders
2. For time:
30 Wallballs #30
5 Bar MU’s
25 Wallballs
4 Bar MU’s
20 Wallballs
3 Bar MU’s
15 Wallballs
2 Bar MU’s
10 Wallballs
1 Bar MU’s

3. OLY
EMOM for 10 Rounds
1 Squat snatch @80%
Stay at 80%, be fast and efficient.#175,175,185,185,195,195,205,205,195,185

4. “Flush”
Row 5k/4k at a conversational pace.

Workout 15.1
9-minute AMRAP:
15 toes-to-bars
10 deadlifts
5 snatches
(M 115 lb. / F 75 lb.)
198 Reps
Workout 15.1a
1-rep-max clean and jerk
6-minute time cap

5 Rounds of:
strict weighted ring dips #20 x5
strict deficit hspu 4" x5
rdl #225 x5

3 Rounds
20 Calorie row
20 Shoulder to OH 135/95
20 Front Squats 135/95

3. Lift
6 Rounds
2 Front Squats plus 1 Split Jerk @70% of your 1RM Front Squat
Rest 1 Minute

4. Partner WOD
5 Rounds
12 Assault Bike Calories
9 Burpee Muscle-ups
6 Power Cleans 225/145lbs

1. Workout 15.1
9-minute AMRAP:
15 toes-to-bars
10 deadlifts
5 snatches
(M 115 lb. / F 75 lb.)
211 Reps
Workout 15.1a
1-rep-max clean and jerk
6-minute time cap

2. AMRAP 4 Minutes
12 Calorie row
12 CTB Pull-ups
Rest two minutes
AMRAP 4 Minutes
12 KB Swings 70/53lbs
12 Burpees to 6″ target
Rest two minutes
150' HS Walk

2 rounds + 13, 2 round + 13, 2:58

3. Every 40 seconds for 8 sets @80% of your power clean 1RM:
1 Power Clean – Drop the weight – 1 Squat Clean #205

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