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Oh man, today I woke up and knew it was going to a rough day of training. By the way, spring is in the air!

1. Warm-up
100 Double-unders
Row 250m
100 Double-unders

2. Met-Con
AMRAP 10 Minutes
30 Wallballs #30 Wall Ball
20 Box jump overs 24″
10 Power cleans 165lbs
3 Rounds in 11:23 - wall ball sets felt good, however, box jump overs sucked for me today.

3. OLY
EMOM for 6 Rounds
3 Back Squat @70% #280 - didn't feel light, it should though.
Add 5lbs to last week. These are meant to be smooth and fast.

4. Interval Work
3 Rounds
16 Assault Bike calories
8 Squat snatch 145/100lbs
Rest 1 Minute
10:00 ish... icing on the cake, officially overtrained. Mood - bad, Fatigue - bad, Soreness - bad.

Swim tomorrow and not drown.

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