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Monday - The Week of the OPEN 2015

Monday - The Week of the OPEN 2015

Can't believe the open is finally here. I'm ready, here's to training hard through the open, getting better during the open, preparing for Regionals during the open. I have my winner's choice strings put on my Nitrum over the weekend, this bow is sic!

1. Warm-up
3 Slow Rounds
Row 500m
15 GHD Sit-ups

2. Met-Con
AMRAP 6 Minutes
20 Bar-facing burpees
20 Power Snatch #135
20 CTB Pull-ups
1 Round + 25

3. OLY
Every 45 seconds for 8 sets @80% of your power clean 1RM:
1 Power Clean – Drop the weight – 1 Squat Clean
#242 no joke!

4. Interval Work
Thruster 95/65lbs
KB swings 70/53lbs
Rest 3 minutes
Push Jerk 135/95lbs
Box Jump 24/20″
Rest 3 Minutes
OHS 95/65lbs
Double-unders x2 (42-30-18)

Total Time including rest was 18:59.

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