Week 23 | 2018
3 Day Bear hunt this week, left town and took my buddy from Wisconsin out for an Idaho bear. We did end up getting him an opportunity but ultimately we...
Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here
3 Day Bear hunt this week, left town and took my buddy from Wisconsin out for an Idaho bear. We did end up getting him an opportunity but ultimately we...
Here's a week's worth of training for elk hunting fitness: 02/11/2018 Sunday 1. 5 sets climbing 4 front squats + 1 jerk 155,185,195,205,225# 2. EMOM 14 Even: 5 bar muscle...
2017 wraps up today. Solid year of growth and progress. Lots of hunting memories made, family trips, and new adventures. Looking forward to the next, here's the workouts from the...
2017 Hunting season is almost over for me... I have one last little 1 or 2 day hunt in Idaho for a late season archery elk. I don't know for...
Monday 10/16/2017 1. Power Snatches #85x3, 95x3, 105x2, 115x2, 125x1, 135x1, 145x1, 155x1, 165x1, 170x1, 175x1 2. 30 snatches for time #115 | 2:32 3. 3 rounds of back squats...
Monday 7/17/2017 1. Overhead Squats triples 95/115/135/155/175/185/200/200/200 2. Power Snatch Triples 95:135/150/150/150 3. Snatch Pull Triples 200/200/200 4. Conditioning: 21-15-9 DB snatches alternating #70 12-9-6 hang power cleans #155 5:41...
Monday 5/1/2017 1. Power Snatches triples #105,135,145,155,165,165,165 2. Snatch Pulls 4x3 #205 3. Back Squats: 275x5, 292x1, 275x5, 302x1, 275x5, 310x1 4. For Time: 21 Thrusters #115 + 21 Kettlebell...
CrossFit Open 15.4 03/19/2015 8-minute AMRAP: 3 handstand push-ups 3 cleans 6 handstand push-ups 3 cleans 9 handstand push-ups 3 cleans 12 handstand push-ups 6 cleans 15 handstand push-ups 6...
Can't believe the open is finally here. I'm ready, here's to training hard through the open, getting better during the open, preparing for Regionals during the open. I have my...
Here's some footage of yesterday's training... 1.Warm-up Run 1 Mile 7:35 - 80% effort 2. Met-Con AMRAP 12 Minutes – Climb the Ladder 1 Power Snatch 135/95lbs 1 Muscle-up 2...