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2017 Over and Out

2017 Over and Out
2017 wraps up today. Solid year of growth and progress. Lots of hunting memories made, family trips, and new adventures. Looking forward to the next, here's the workouts from the week: Monday 12/25/2017 - REST DAY (Jesus birthday) Tuesday 12/26/2017 1. 3 position power snatch (hip,knee,floor) 1 set 65% #140, 1 set 70% #150, 3 sets 72.5% #155 2. Every 2:00 for 7 rounds: 15 calorie assault bike + 3 muscle-ups fastest split - 0:55s, slowest split - 1:09 3. 27-21-15-9 wall ball shots #30 10' target sumo deadlift high pull #95 box jump overs 24" push-press #95 ski-erg calories | 24:45 Wednesday 12/27/2017 1. EMOM 20 odd: 12 calorie ski erg even: 1/10 mile on trueform treadmill 2. 2 rounds: 1 minute max reps strict dead stop handstand push-ups rest 1:00 1 minute max reps strict handstand push-ups rest 2:00 | rd1 11/19 and rd2 13/19 reps 3. 3 Position squat cleans (hip,knee,floor) 1 at 65% #175, 1 at 70% #190, 3 at 72.5% #200 4. 3 rounds for time: 15 chest to bar pull-ups 12 bar facing pull-ups 9 squat cleans #150 | 7:50 Thursday 12/28/2017 - REST DAY / 24 hour FLU! Friday 12/29/2017 Fire Station Workout 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 for time: Bench #155 Squat Cleans #125 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch #70 | 18:23 Saturday 12/30/2017 For Time: 500m Row 100 double unders with zeus rope 100' overhead walking lunges #45 50 push-ups strict 50 GHD sit-ups 30 pull-ups 30 kettlebell swings #70 20 cals assault bike 20 toes to bar 10 burpee to power clean #155 10 shoulder to overhead #155 500m row | 21:55 ElkShape Partners Bohning Archery Caribou Gear Game Bags Hoyt Achery Mtn Ops Vortex Optics Exo Mountain Gear Option Archery Easton Archery Sitka Gear FHF Gear Kenetrek Boots OnXmaps Elk Shape Youtube Channel Elk Shape BOOK Phelps Quality Game Calls

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