15.4 Strategy

Went head to head with Cole Sager, CrossFit Games Athlete and favorite from the NorthWest and Canada West Super-Regional. Not only is he a top athlete, but an even better man of God. Best of luck Cole in 2015, and thanks for being my rabbit in the 15.4 Wod.
A little throwback video...
1. 15.4
8-minute AMRAP:
3 handstand push-ups
3 cleans
6 handstand push-ups
3 cleans
9 handstand push-ups
3 cleans
12 handstand push-ups
6 cleans
15 handstand push-ups
6 cleans
18 handstand push-ups
6 cleans
21 handstand push-ups
9 cleans
Etc., following same pattern
107 Reps - found a weakness.
2. AMRAP 5 Minutes
5 Deadlift 315/225lbs
30 Double-unders
5 Rounds - torched from 15.4
3. Every 25 seconds for 8 sets @80% of your power clean 1RM:
1 Power Clean – Drop the weight – 1 Squat Clean #215, nervous system fried!
4. 3 Rounds For Time:
5 Muscle-ups +1s (two dips)
60' HS Walk
60' OH Walking Lunges #135
11:09 - awful!