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Strength Day

Strength Day

Hiked 3 miles today on a lunch break, got one of my many tree stands out of the mountains. Felt so good to be outside in the cold mountain air.

Outlaw Barbell
1) EMOM for 5:00-
2 T&G Power Snatches
*Begin at approximately 80% of 1rm Power Snatch & add load each minute. One miss is allowed – more than one miss, lower weight.
2) EMOM for 5:00-
2 T&G Power Clean & Push Jerks
*Begin at approximately 75% of 1rm Power Clean & Push Jerk & add load each minute. One miss is allowed – more than one miss, lower weight.

1a) Tall clean 5×3 – rest 90sec #155

1a) 7X2 Paused Back Squats (3 count pause at absolute rock-bottom depth) – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. #255 for all sets

1b) 7X2 Tempo Bench Press (3 count descent, 3 count pause at bottom, explode back up) – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. #175 for all sets

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