Does Calisthenics Burn Fat?
Curious if calisthenics can help you burn fat? The answer is yes! Calisthenics, with its versatile bodyweight exercises, is an effective way to torch calories, build lean muscle, and boost...
Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here
Curious if calisthenics can help you burn fat? The answer is yes! Calisthenics, with its versatile bodyweight exercises, is an effective way to torch calories, build lean muscle, and boost...
Today is a Rest Day. I had a full day though, taught 4 classes of CrossFit, 1 private session, hiked into my Idaho deer spot and pulled a few cards......
Warm-Up 3 Slow Rounds 10 Empty Bar Thrusters 3 Muscle-Ups Strength 1)Thruster + Push Jerk + Split Jerk 5×1-1-1 (build up to a heavy set) #235 2) Bulgarian Split Squats...
1. Power Snatch + OHS + Hang Power Snatch + OHS + Full Snatch + OHS 5 sets, last 3 sets at last weight... #135, 145, 155, 155, 155 2....
10/24/14 Warm-Up 3 Rounds Not For Time Row 250m Max Effort Parallette L-Sit Olympic Lifting Find your 1RM Low Hang Pause Clean #255 Strength Touch and Go Clean Grip Deadlift...
Pretty darn good day! Watched baby Avery this morning while mommy worked at the hospital. Getting ready to host a competition at our box tomorrow... 6th Annual Hunger Games. Here's...
Got some work done today, I am working with a little bit of SI pain on my left side, so I have to really warm-up and check my ego on...
Well October seems to be flying by. I spent the weekend staying close to home, it was refreshing. I did manage to get a hunt in for deer, more of...
Well tonight I'm going to sit a tree-stand, I have a couple of decent bucks in one spot near town, and there's a cold front coming in tonight so the...
Strength Back Squat 6×4 @75% Every Minute on the Minute #275 5 rep max push press (from the floor) #190 Met-Con AMRAP 8 Minutes 40 Double Unders 30 Wall Balls...
Today's Workout: Olympic Lifting Power Position Pause Clean 6×2 @80% (Clean and Jerk the second rep) Drop each rep and do a technically sound clean deadlift back to the hang...
EMOM for 12 Minutes (Rotate movements on the minute, completing 4 rounds by the end) 10 GHD Sit-ups 10 OHS 95/65lbs 50ft HS Walk felt good, a little out of...
Olympic Lifting Power Position Pause Snatch 6×2 @80% Drop each rep and do a technically sound snatch deadlift back to the hang before dropping down to power position. The 80%...
Monday 10/06/2014 Nervous to get back at CrossFit, it's harder than backcountry bowhunting believe it or not. I threw up again, this is 2x in the last 2 weeks, and...