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  • October 29th

    Today is a Rest Day. I had a full day though, taught 4 classes of CrossFit, 1 private session, hiked into my Idaho deer spot and pulled a few cards......

  • October 28th

    Warm-Up 3 Slow Rounds 10 Empty Bar Thrusters 3 Muscle-Ups Strength 1)Thruster + Push Jerk + Split Jerk 5×1-1-1 (build up to a heavy set) #235 2) Bulgarian Split Squats...

  • 2014-10-27T00:00:00.000-07:00

    1. Power Snatch + OHS + Hang Power Snatch + OHS + Full Snatch + OHS 5 sets, last 3 sets at last weight... #135, 145, 155, 155, 155 2....

  • Friday & Saturday October 24th/25th

    10/24/14 Warm-Up 3 Rounds Not For Time Row 250m Max Effort Parallette L-Sit Olympic Lifting Find your 1RM Low Hang Pause Clean #255 Strength Touch and Go Clean Grip Deadlift...

  • Thursday October 23rd

    Pretty darn good day! Watched baby Avery this morning while mommy worked at the hospital. Getting ready to host a competition at our box tomorrow... 6th Annual Hunger Games. Here's...

  • Tuesday October 21st

    Got some work done today, I am working with a little bit of SI pain on my left side, so I have to really warm-up and check my ego on...

  • Monday October 20th

    Monday October 20th

    Well October seems to be flying by. I spent the weekend staying close to home, it was refreshing. I did manage to get a hunt in for deer, more of...

  • Catch up workouts from the week.

    Well tonight I'm going to sit a tree-stand, I have a couple of decent bucks in one spot near town, and there's a cold front coming in tonight so the...

  • 2014-10-13T00:00:00.000-07:00

    Strength Back Squat 6×4 @75% Every Minute on the Minute #275 5 rep max push press (from the floor) #190 Met-Con AMRAP 8 Minutes 40 Double Unders 30 Wall Balls...

  • Moose Hunt Video

    Today's Workout: Olympic Lifting Power Position Pause Clean 6×2 @80% (Clean and Jerk the second rep) Drop each rep and do a technically sound clean deadlift back to the hang...

  • 2014-10-09T00:00:00.000-07:00

    EMOM for 12 Minutes (Rotate movements on the minute, completing 4 rounds by the end) 10 GHD Sit-ups 10 OHS 95/65lbs 50ft HS Walk felt good, a little out of...

  • 2014-10-07T00:00:00.000-07:00

    Olympic Lifting Power Position Pause Snatch 6×2 @80% Drop each rep and do a technically sound snatch deadlift back to the hang before dropping down to power position. The 80%...

  • Moose Are Loose

    Moose Are Loose

    Monday 10/06/2014 Nervous to get back at CrossFit, it's harder than backcountry bowhunting believe it or not. I threw up again, this is 2x in the last 2 weeks, and...