Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here

Friday & Saturday October 24th/25th


3 Rounds Not For Time
Row 250m
Max Effort Parallette L-Sit

Olympic Lifting
Find your 1RM Low Hang Pause Clean

Touch and Go Clean Grip Deadlift De-load
1×6 #255
1×5 #255
1×4 #305

Row 1k
100 Double-unders
21-15-9 Strict HSPU + GHD sit-ups
100 Double-unders

team wods (2 guys + 1 girl)
50 dubs each
60 hspu (1 person holds hspu)
70 toes to bar (1 person hangs)
80 stoh #135 axle
100' walking front rack lunges #135 axle

10' hs walk
1 legless rope climb
10' hs walk
2 legless rope climbs
10' hs walk
3 legless rope climbs
10' hs walk

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