Week 21 | 2018
Yes, my training is slacking... but I'm in the thick of bear hunting and trying to salvage any spare time to go out and chase bears. I got some training...
Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here
Yes, my training is slacking... but I'm in the thick of bear hunting and trying to salvage any spare time to go out and chase bears. I got some training...
Monday 5/14/2018 1. Front Squat 3 reps right into Back Squat 3 reps | 185#,205,225,245,265 HS Walk Obstacle Course b/t sets 2. Yoke Carry 60m 220# + 185# Yoke, 3...
Monday 4/23/2018 1. EMOM 5 Clean Pull + Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Split Jerk | 185# Right into... EMOM 7 2 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Split...
Partner Spotlight VORTEX OPTICS:LINK Monday 3/26/2018 1. Power Clean Triples | 95#,95,125,155,175,195,195,195 2. Back Squat 5x5 Climbing | 155#,205,235,255,275 3. 21-15-9 For Time: Assault Bike Calories 20" Box Step-ups 95#...
Partner Spotlight: onXmaps Alright so I completely missed week 10. I was sick with the FLU for about a week long and rarely got out of bed. I believe I...
Partner Spotlight: EXO MOUNTAIN GEAR How to Load a Pack for training: Monday 3/5/2018 1. Back Squats, warm up 135x10, 185x10 2 Rounds: 225x8, rest 1 minute 245x6, rest 1...
Great week of training until I got ran over by a bus. I had a standard cold for most of the week, tried to power through but after traveling to...
Monday 01/15/2018 1. Every :90 seconds for 3 rounds 3 power snatch + 2 hang squat snatch + 1 squat snatch #95 2. Low Hang Squat Snatch 3x2 #150 2x2...
Monday 01/08/2018 1. Snatch on the 2:30 (5 rounds) 5 touch and go squat snatches | #135,155,165,170,175 2. 9-6-3 Strict Muscle Ups | rest 2:00 b/t rounds | 7:17 3....
It's goal setting season! Take the time, make the time, and write them down. Dream Big. Make a plan, then go execute and crush 2018. Monday 12/18/17 1. Every :90...
Great week slowly getting back into the groove of real life. I'm running the gym, working at the fire department, changing diapers and shooting my bow. I also am starting...
Monday 8/21/17 1. Snatches 95x3,115x3,135x3,155x2,165x2,175x2,185x1,175x3 2. snatch grip deadlift w/pause at power position 5 seconds 5x5 #175 3. Back squats 5x5 climbing #155,205,235,255,275 4. For Time: 30 cal bike 5...
Monday 8/7/2017 1. OHS 4x6 #165,185,205,215 2. 4 Rounds For Time: 20 cal row 16 wall ball shots #30 ball 10' target 8 hang power snatches #115 | 12:49 Tuesday...