Week 11 | 2018

Partner Spotlight: onXmaps
Alright so I completely missed week 10. I was sick with the FLU for about a week long and rarely got out of bed. I believe I lost about 15 pounds from not having an appetite and sweating from an ongoing fever, but it feels kind of good to be back upright. This week was super hard to train, but I managed to get my bow pulled back a handful of times and got some training in. Meanwhile, we sold our home, bought a home, and moved all in a week. Don't ask me how because I still don't know. I also am quitting the fire department, in fact as I write this I am pulling my last 24 hour shift. It's a great job, but it takes too much time that I could be spending with my family, the pay is not good, and every Sunday for the last year I haven't been in the woods. That's a deal breaker for me. Once the dust settles, I am going shed hunting, bear hunting, and hell, I might even go shoot a stupid turkey. It feels good to be back into my old ways. The house we bought is a fixer upper but I can shoot my bow out to a hundred plus yards so for me, it's perfect. Here's the week's worth of training post FLU:
Monday 3/19/2018
Deadlift 225#
Handstand Push-ups
Right into
Deadlift 315#
Handstand Walks 50' | 111 reps + 25' HS Walk
Tuesday 3/20/2018
1. Superset #1:
Strict Kettlebell 1 Arm Press 25# x10, 35# x10, 35# x10, 44# x8, 44# x8
Strict Dead Hang Pull-ups 5x10
2. Superset #2:
Dumbbell 1 Arm Push-Press 35# x10, 50# 2x10, 60# 2x10
Bar Dips Strict 5x10
3. 5 Rounds, every 3:00
20 calorie bike + 10 toes to bar
4. 3x5 Parallett Jump Throughs
Wednesday 3/21/2018
1. EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) 16 minutes:
min 1 DB Box Step Ups 20" 25#'s 10 reps
min 2 Front Rack Lunges 30' 95#
min 3 Burpee Box Jumps 24"
min 4 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 12 reps
2. TrueForm Treadmill Intervals:
3 Rounds of
:20 on :20 off
:40 on :40 off
1:00 on 2:00 off
Rd 1 0.26 miles
Rd 2 0.28 miles
Rd 3 0.31 miles
Thursday 3/22/2018 REST DAY
Friday 3/23/2018
3 thrusters 100#, 3 chest to bar pull-ups
6 thrusters, 6 chest to bar pull-ups
126 reps, about 18 reps shy of my 2012 score, I think I was still recovering from the FLU.
Saturday 3/24/2018 - REST DAY / MOVED OUR ENTIRE HOUSE.
Sunday 3/25/2018
1. Front Squat Triple + Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk
2. EMOM 10 (every minute on the minute)
ODD: 5 Bar Muscle Ups
EVEN: 10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches 55#
3. Superset:
1 Arm Kettlebell hang snatch 50# 5 each arm
1 Arm Dumbbell Push Press x10 each arm 55#
ElkShape Partners
Bohning Archery
Caribou Gear Game Bags
Hoyt Achery
Mtn Ops
Vortex Optics
Exo Mountain Gear
Option Archery
Easton Archery
Sitka Gear
FHF Gear
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