October Lull

Great week slowly getting back into the groove of real life. I'm running the gym, working at the fire department, changing diapers and shooting my bow. I also am starting to feed (bait) some deer locally for my wife, she is hunting for deer this month by our home. I did get out for an evening bear hunt, it was on public and rifle deer coincided so there was a lot of hunting pressure, I even got stopped by a game warden to check my license. I am going to head up and pull a card off one of my cameras where bears frequent. I have until November 15th here in WA. Other than that, just laying low until late season deer/elk opens up at the end of November.
Training and shooting are taking precedent and I am getting my reps in. DISCIPLINE IS FREEDOM.
Monday 10/9/2017
1. 5 sets of touch and go squat cleans #165,185,205,215,225
2. 42-30-18 for time of:
row cal
DB alternating snatches #50's
double unders | 11:08
Tuesday 10/10/2017
1. 3 rounds of unbroken strict handstand push-ups 8-6-4, rest 2 minutes between rounds
2. Deadlift, build to a "heavy" set of 5 reps | #315
3. Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes
min 1 - 12 deadlifts #225
min 2 - 12 GHD sit-ups
min 3 - max calories assault bike | 17,18,17,21 calories
4. 75 GHD Hip Back Extensions with #25 plate (not for time)
Wednesday 10/11/2017 - REST DAY
Thursday 10/12/2017
1. Build to a heavy Overhead Squat Triple | #95,115,135,155,175,205
2. AMRAP (as many reps as possible) 3 minutes
(a) 21 OHS #95 + 21 Burpees over the Erg + max calories row | 17 calories
rest 3 minutes
(b) 18 OHS #115 + 18 Burpees over the Erg + max calories row | 18 calories
rest 3 minutes
(c) 15 OHS #135 + 15 Burpees over the Erg + max calories row | 22 calories
rest 3 minutes
(d) 12 OHS #155 + 15 Burpees over the Erg + max calories row | 23 calories
Friday 10/13/2017
With a partner (my wife)
Max reps
1. 2 min muscle ups - 27
2. 2 min partner wall ball shots #20 - 65
3. 2 min GHD sit-ups - 65
4. 2 min max calories assault bike - 56
5. 2 min max thrusters #135/95 - 41
***rest 1 minute b/t rounds
Saturday 10/14/2017 - REST DAY
Sunday 10/15/2017
1. Every Minute on the Minute for 10
ODD: 10 DB snatches alternating #60
EVEN: Power Clean + Push Jerk + Front Squat + Hang Squat Clean + Jerk #185
2. Front Squat 1 and 1/4 5x3 | #185,205,205,210,220
3. Push Press | #135x8, 145x8, 150x8, 155x6, 160x6
4. Every Minute on the Minute for 10
ODD: Bar Muscle ups | 3,4,5,6,7
EVEN: Wall Ball Shots #20 x15