Week 21 | 2018

Yes, my training is slacking... but I'm in the thick of bear hunting and trying to salvage any spare time to go out and chase bears. I got some training in, but when it comes to getting to the mountains that takes priority. Training is to serve me in the mountains, end of story.
As for bear hunting, I baited all three sights, found a boar in a remote clear cut and put a good stalk on him. I made it to 64 yards of the bear and then he disappeared in the thick willows. I waited for him to pop out feeding again, but the wind got swirly and next thing I know he got my wind and headed straight down to the timber line towards the creek. I had to hike out of that hell hole. I spent the rest of the weekend checking my baits and glassing for bears. I have a 4 day hunt coming up mid-June and I plan on killing this really big bear if he makes a mistake. YouTube video of the adventure coming soon, check my channel.
5/28/18 Monday Memorial Day ... Hunting
5/29/2018 Tuesday
1. Running Clock
a) On the Minute for 7 Minutes 1 Overhead Squat | 105,115,135,145,165,195,215
b) On the Minute for 7 Minutes Snatch Balance | 165,145,155,165,175,175,175
c) On the Minute for 7 Minutes 2 Hang Squat Snatches | 115,125,135,155,175,185
2. Back Squats 8x4 | 225,245,265,275,285,275,265,245
3. DT 5 rounds 155#
12 deadlifts + 9 hang power cleans + 6 push jerks
b/t rounds do one of these in any order:400m Run, 500m Row, 300m Ski Erg, .5 Mile Bike
5/30/2018 Wednesday
1. Push Press EMOM (every minute on the minute) 3x5 115#, 3x4 135#, 3x3 155#
2. 3 Rounds for time:
30 cal row
25 wall ball shots 20#
20 1 arm DB hang clean and jerk (10 per arm) | 13:09
3. 3 rounds not for time:
20 GHD sit-ups
10 strict ring dips
10 ring push-ups
5/31/2018 Thursday
For time:
35 cal bike, 25 power snatches, 25 thrusters 55#
30 cal bike, 20 power snatches, 25 thrusters 75#
25 cal bike, 15 power snatches, 15 thrusters 95#
20 cal bike, 10 power snatches, 10 thrusters 115#
15 cal bike, 5 power snatches, 5 thrusters 135# | 29:42
Friday...Bear Hunting for the weekend!
ElkShape Partners
HIITMillX ElkShape Trainer
Bohning Archery
Caribou Gear Game Bags
Hoyt Achery
Mtn Ops
Vortex Optics
Exo Mountain Gear
Option Archery
Easton Archery
Sitka Gear
Kenetrek Boots
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Phelps Quality Game Calls