Week 20 | 2018

Pretty good training week, only got 4 days in but the rest were spent bear hunting in Idaho. I was able to do the old spot and stalk deal on a nice boar. I got my shot at 23 yards downhill right through the bear's chest. He didn't go very far. Glad to have one down, not time for a giant! This is public land and completely DIY.
Monday 5/21/2018
1. Overhead squat doubles 195# 5x2
2. Snatch Balance Doubles 175# 5x2
3. Halting at knee Squat Snatch Doubles | 95#,115,135,155,175
4. Back Squats 285# 4x4
5. For Time:
50 DB Snatches Alternating 50#
40 Burpees
30 Toes to Bar
10 Ring Muscle Ups | 9:34
Tuesday 5/22/2018
1. 3 Power Cleans + Jerk EMOM 10 Minutes | 165-200#
2. Deadlifts
5 reps 315#, 1 at 340#, 5 reps at 320#, 1 at 350#, 5 at 335#, 1 at 370#
3. For Time:
21 cal bike + 9 Dball cleans 100#
18 cal bike + 7 Dball cleans
15 cal bike + 5 Dball cleans
12 cal bike + 3 Dball cleans | 7:16
Wednesday 5/23/2018
21-15-9 For Time:
Squat Snatches 95#
Chest to Bar Pull-ups | 6:46
Thursday 5/24/2018 - REST DAY
Friday 5/25/2018
3 Rounds for Time:
30 wall ball shots 20#
30 sumo deadlift high pull 75#
30 box jumps 24"
30 push press
30 calorie row
30 push-ups
10 back squats at body weight 155# | 30:24
ElkShape Partners
HIITMillX ElkShape Trainer
Bohning Archery
Caribou Gear Game Bags
Hoyt Achery
Mtn Ops
Vortex Optics
Exo Mountain Gear
Option Archery
Easton Archery
Sitka Gear
Kenetrek Boots
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