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WEEK 2 | 2018

WEEK 2 | 2018
Monday 01/08/2018 1. Snatch on the 2:30 (5 rounds) 5 touch and go squat snatches | #135,155,165,170,175 2. 9-6-3 Strict Muscle Ups | rest 2:00 b/t rounds | 7:17 3. Back Squat x5 #290 x2 #300 x5 #290 x2 #315 x5 #290 X2 #325 4. 7 rounds for time: 10 hang power snatches #95 30 double unders | 6:21 Tuesday 01/09/2018 1. Every 3:00 minutes (4 rounds) 20 cal ski erg + 50' handstand walk 2. 5 rounds for time: 4 minute 30 cal row 15 cal assault bike amrap shuttle runs 30' rest 4 minutes rd 1 - 19 shuttle runs rd 2 - 22 rd 3 - 17 rd 4 - 24 rd 5 - 22 Wednesday 01/10/2018 - REST DAY Thursday 01/11/2018 1. Barbell Cycling 15 reps #135 C&J rest 2:00 | :59 12 reps #155 C&J rest 2:00 | 1:29 9 reps #185 C&J rest 2:00 | 1:30 6 reps #205 C&J rest 2:00 | :59 3 reps #225 C&J rest 2:00 | 1:03 2. Build up to a heavy triple Deadlift | #245,295,335,375 3. 20 MINUTE AMRAP 1 deadlift #315 10 toes to bar 15 bar facing burpees | 9 rounds. Friday 01/12/2018 - Skiing with my wifey Saturday 1/13/2018 For time: 20 sandbag back squats #30 20 step ups 24” box 20 sandbag front squats 20 step ups 20 sandbag squat cleans 20 step ups with sandbag | 6:07 Back Squats 2x10 empty bar 3x10 #135,185,235 2x2 #285,305 1x3 #315 2 minutes each max reps: Pushups 60 Air squats 72 Pull-ups strict 30 Burpees 33 SitUp stand up 22 Sunday 01/14/2018 1. Every Minute on the Minute for 7 minutes perform 7 deadlifts #185 2. Conditioning Piece For Time: 8 down to 1 (8-8-8-7-7-7-6-6-6-5-5-5-4-4-4-3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1) Kettlebell Goblet Squats #35 -70 (you choose based on technique and consistency) Kettlebell Swings #50 Burpees to target (6”)| 4:45 3. 55 burpee to pull-up for time | 4:43 4. 5 rounds: Dumbbell Bench Press 10 reps #40's,50's,60's,65's,70's One Arm Dumbbell Row, 10 reps per arm, same weight as bench ElkShape Partners Bohning Archery Caribou Gear Game Bags Hoyt Achery Mtn Ops Vortex Optics Exo Mountain Gear Option Archery Easton Archery Sitka Gear FHF Gear Kenetrek Boots OnXmaps Elk Shape Youtube Channel Elk Shape BOOK Phelps Quality Game Calls

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