Week 51
Monday 12/24/2018 2k bike, rest :90s, 3 rounds | 2:20, 2:20, 2:01 5 min AMRAP: 10 ring rows, 10 DB push-ups | 5 rounds 12 min AMRAP: 4 thrusters 135#,...
Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here
Monday 12/24/2018 2k bike, rest :90s, 3 rounds | 2:20, 2:20, 2:01 5 min AMRAP: 10 ring rows, 10 DB push-ups | 5 rounds 12 min AMRAP: 4 thrusters 135#,...
Hey ya'll - I haven't been slacking, just trying to hunt for late season whitetails and they're not cooperating! Anyways, here's some workouts from the last couple of weeks, by...
Sorry for the delay in this post, I managed to lock myself out of my own website! Here ya go: Monday 11/12/18 4 MINUTE AMRAPS | rest 2 minutes b/t...
Monday 11/5/18 For Time: 30 cal row 30 thrusters 45# 10 ring muscle ups 30 cal bike 20 thrusters 45# 10 ring muscle ups 30 cal ski erg 10 thursters...
Monday 10/29/18 1. Build to a heavy Power Clean 245# 2. Build to a heavy Bench 235# 3. Build to a heavy Back Squat 335# 4. 3 sets, rest 2...
Monday 10/22/2018 1. Back Squat build to a heavy set of 9 reps | 275# 2. EMOM (every minute on the minute) ODD: Deadlift doubles climbing 340# EVEN: Bench Press...
Monday 10/15/18 1. Back Squat, build to a heavy set of 7 reps | 275# 2. Power Snatch Doubles | 95#,115,135,145,155 3. Bench 3-2-1 | 195#x3, 210#x2, 225#x1 4. For...
BACK from my elk hunting season and that rollercoaster. Without fail I met adversity head on. I will try to sit down and write up my thoughts, but for now...
Monday July 23rd 2018 1. 3 rep hang power clean | 135,155,175,195,215,235x1 2. 6 rep push press | 115/135/155/175/200x3 3. Back Squats 135x5,205x5,255x4,285x3,305x2,325x1,255x10 4. 7 Rounds, Every 3:00 Minutes 400m...
Monday 7/16/18 1. Back Squat EMOM 9 min 1 - 5 reps 245# min 2 - 3 reps 265# min 3 - 1 rep 300# repeat 2. Back Rack Reverse...
Here's a LINK to an interview STAIRMASTER did on me, I will warn you they used some interesting language in their article that doesn't reflect my tone, but I understand...
Monday July 2nd 2018 1. VanDamme 30 snatches 135# 10 muscle ups 30 clean and jerks 135# 10 muscle ups 30 thrusters 135# 10 muscle ups | 19:53 2. 3...
Monday 6/25/2018 - This was not a scheduled REST DAY, but the Dan Evans from Option Archery showed up at my gym right when I was about to workout. Instead...