- Snatch Triples Touch & Go | 75#,105,135,135,155
- For Time: 5 rounds for time:5 strict HSPU + 10 kipping HSPU + 21 cal Ski Erg | 10:46
- For Time: 50 cal bike, 40 knees to elbows, 30 box jumps 30", 600' Farmer Walks with 70#'s | 9:55
Week 48

Hey ya'll - I haven't been slacking, just trying to hunt for late season whitetails and they're not cooperating! Anyways, here's some workouts from the last couple of weeks, by the way, ELKSHAPE CAMP 2019 is SOLD OUT! So stoked for that event!
Monday 11/26/18
3 mile hike 40# pack
Tuesday 11/27/18
1. Back Squat - establish a heavy 1 rep 330#
90% 300# 2x3
80% 270# 2x3
2. 2 rounds for time:
400m Run
15 toes to bar
500m Row
20 pull-ups | 9:09
Wednesday 11/28/18
For Time:
5 C&J 185#
rest 1 minute
10 C&J 165#
rest 1 minute
15 C&J 145#
rest 1 minute
20 C&J 125# | 9:50 total time
3 mile hike 40# pack
Thursday 11/29/18
6 mile hike 40# pack
Friday 11/30/18
3 mile hike 40# pack
Saturday 12/1/18
For Time:
1k Row
50 cal assault bike
10 ring muscle ups
25 cal ski erg
10 bar muscle ups
25 cal ski erg
10 ring muscle ups
50 push-ups
1k row | 23:30
Sunday 12/2/18
3 mile hike, 40# pack
Monday 12/3/18
1. Back Squat 5x3 275#
2. Push Jerk + Split Jerk 5x1-1 205#
3. 20 minute AMRAP
6 DEVIL Presses 50#'s
18 abmat sit-ups
54 double unders | 8 rounds
Tuesday 12/4/18