Week 25 | 2019
Week 25 Training for those who want to check out what I do to prepare for elk hunting season. Monday 6/17/19 Back Squat work up to a heavy 5...
Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here
Week 25 Training for those who want to check out what I do to prepare for elk hunting season. Monday 6/17/19 Back Squat work up to a heavy 5...
Hey if you're reading this then you probably creep on my training journal - thank you! I have been pretty off track on training, due to bear season and a...
Make time for training, when you can, with what you got!
Monday 5/13/19 Box Squats 12" Box 68% x 5 236#, 78% x3 275#, 88% 2x1 305# GHD Raises 4x8 Reverse Hypers 4x12 21-15-9 For Time: Deadlift 185#, Bar Facing Burpees,...
I will say this was a planned DELOAD week coming off that Spartan Beast Race in Montana... so here's what I did do: Monday 5/6/19 32 Min EMOM (every minute...
Monday 4/29/2019 Box Squats 12" (complete stop on box) 58% x5 205#, 68% x5 240#, 78% Max Effort x5 275# Bulgarian Split Squats 4x10 each leg with 35#'s Seated Good...
Monday 4/22/19 Squat 2x5 warm-up, 4x5 50% (deload week) 185# coupled with RNT banded lunges 15 per leg between sets 3 Rounds for time: 30 cal bike, 15 OHS 135#,...
Monday 4/15/19 Squat 3x5 warm-up, then 5 at 75% 260#, 3 at 85% 305#, 1 at 95% 330 (got 3 reps) For Time: 100' 1 arm Overhead DB 50# Walking...
Monday 4/1/19 Back Squats 3x5 warm-up sets, x5 205#, x5 235#, x5 270#, x3 315# Team of 3, 30 Rounds For Time (one person working at a time), 5 Thrusters...
Monday 3/25/2019 Establish a heavy CLUSTER + THRUSTER | 205# 19.5 33-27-21-15-9 Thrusters 95# and Chest to Bar Pull-ups | 12:08 Superset: Bench Press 135# 3x12 Plus 20" Box Step-ups...
Monday 3/18/19 Front Squat Double Plus Back Squat Triple | 7 sets climbing, ended at 275# Box Step-ups 4x5 each leg, 24" box, 40#'s Dumbbells each hand 10 Ring Dips...
Monday 3/11/19 Front Squat with 3 second pause in the bottom, build to a heavy | 275# 2x3 at 90% of that heavy front squat, no puase Power Snatches, 6x5...
Monday 3/4/19 OHS build to a heavy 5 rep | 195# AMRAP 12: 50' Handstand Walks, 10 OHS 135#, 15 Deadlifts 135# | 3 rounds + HS Walk + 3...