Monday 3/4/19
OHS build to a heavy 5 rep | 195#
AMRAP 12: 50' Handstand Walks, 10 OHS 135#, 15 Deadlifts 135# | 3 rounds + HS Walk + 3 OHS
5 Rounds NOT for time: Bulgarian Split Squats 5 reps per leg with 35#s DBs, 12 Reverse Hypers 90#, 100' dBall Bear Hug Carry 150#
Shooting Bow Under Duress: 10 Sandbag Box Step Overs 20" 50#, shoot 1 arrow, 10 burpee box jump overs 20", shoot 1 arrow, 5 DB Manmakers 25#s, shoot 1 arrow | 3:15
Tuesday 3/5/19
NOT for time: 21-18-15-12-9 cals on bike paired with 10-8-6-4-2 Deficit Strict Handstand Push-ups 4"
AMRAP 4: 35 cal row, 35 shuttles (10m = 1), max power cleans 135# | 3 reps
rest 4 minutes
AMRAP 4: 30 cal row, 30 shuttles (10m = 1), max power cleans 155# | 8 reps
rest 4 minutes
AMRAP 4: 25 cal row, 25 shuttles (10m = 1), max power cleans 185# | 9 reps
rest 4 minutes
AMRAP 4: 20 cal row, 20 shuttles (10m = 1), max power cleans 205# | 9 reps
DB Bench 3x12 70#'s + Strict Pull-ups 3x12
Wednesday 3/6/19
21-15-9 For Time of:
Box Jump Overs 24", Power Cleans, Chest to Bar Pull-ups, Front Squats, Burpee over the Bar, Push Jerks
21 Round 155#, 15 Round 135#, 9 Round 115# | 22:21
Thursday 3/7/19 REST DAY
Friday 3/8/19 19.3
200' Walking OH Lunges 50# DB, 50 Box Step-ups 24" 50# DB, 50 Strict HSPU, 200' Handstand Walk, 10 minute time cap | cleared 65' HS Walk
Saturday 3/9/19 REST DAY
Sunday 3/10/19
For Time: 50 cal Bike, 50 push-ups (hand release), 50 russian kb swings 44#, 50 burpees, 50 russian kb swings, 50 push-ups (hand release), 50 cal bike | 19:58