Monday 4/1/19
Back Squats 3x5 warm-up sets, x5 205#, x5 235#, x5 270#, x3 315#
Team of 3, 30 Rounds For Time (one person working at a time), 5 Thrusters 95#, 5 toes to bar, 5 burpees | 17:38
3 rounds not for time: 1 min Overhead KB hold per arm 53#, 20 lunges with sandbag front rack 50#, GHD Raises x8
Tuesday 4/2/19
3 rounds not for time: 100' KB 1 arm farmer walk each arm, 100' KB 1 arm front rack carry each arm, 100' KB 1 arm OH walk each arm, 70# kettlebell
Strict Press 3x5 warm-up, x5 115#, x5 130#, x5 140#, x5 150#
Superset: Tempo Strict Dips 3 sec down, 3 sec pause, 3 sec up = 1 rep, max effort strict pull-ups, 4 sets total 4-4-4-4 and 11-9-9-9
Conditioning For time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 DB Squat Cleans 50#'s and Chest to Bar Pull-ups | 10:25
Bike Intervals: Every 4 minutes for 3 rounds, 1 mile Bike
Wednesday 4/3/19
Jerk Drives 5x3 195#
Split Jerks 5x1 225#
Push Press 4x6 155#
18 AMRAP: 60 dubz, 45 air squats, 21 cal bike, 10 Push Jerks 155# | 3 rounds + 92 reps
3x12 superset: 1 arm DB Bench and 1 arm DB Row 50#
Running: 400m rest 1 minute, 200m rest :30s, 3 rounds
Thursday 4/4/19 REST DAY
Friday 4/5/19
DB Muscle Snatch + Strict Press 50#'s 5 sets, Strict Pull-ups 5x8, 5x2 Squat Cleans 185# with pauses just off floor and at knee 3 seconds each
Conditioning For time w/partner, 1 person working at a time: 100 cal bike, 100 cal ski, 50 cal bike, 50 cal ski, 25 cal bike, 25 cal ski | 18:33
ElkShape Camp #2 Registration LINK
FNX SUPPLEMENTS | Use discount code elkshape for 15% off
SIBERIAN COOLERS | Use discount code ELKSHAPE2019 for 10% off
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Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?