Monday 4/8/19
- Front Squat Triples Build to a Heavy | 265#
- Cluster EMOM Climbing 10 minutes | 205#
- Every 10:00 for 2 rounds: Team of 3, 15 thrusters per person waterfall 115#, Dball Hold 150# and Carry 90' per person waterfall, 15 legless rope climbs as a team, back to Dball Carry, back to thrusters same for mat. Round 1 - 7:52, Round 2 - 7:37
Tuesday 4/9/19
- Strict Press 3x5 warm-up, then 3 reps at 70% 120#, 80% 140#, 90% 150 for max reps (4)
- 4 Rounds NOT for time: Strict Pull-ups x8, Tempo Ring Dips (3 sec down, hold, up) x4, Trap Bar Deadlifts 265# x12
- For Time: 50 cal bike, 50 box jumps 24", 100 air squats, 50 burpees, 50 Kettlebell Swings 53# | 14:52
- Midline: 3 rounds of 15 GHDSU and 5 GHD Raises
Wednesday 4/10/19
- OHS 5x3 185#
- Snatch Technique: snatch just off floor to knee pause + snatch pull + high hang squat snatch | 155#
- 3 Rounds for time: 400m Run, 21 pull-ups, 12 push jerks 155# | 10:57
Thursday 4/11/19 and Friday 4/12/19 REST DAYS | Shed Hunting
Saturday 4/13/19
For Time: 28-22-16-10 of DB Hang Power Clean & Jerks 25#'s, Burpee to Pull-up, Calorie Bike | 19:20
Sunday 4/14/19
Step-ups 24" and strict pull-ups supersets:
10 each leg at bodyweight plus strict pull-ups x12, 8 each 25#'s and 10 pull-ups, then 3 sets of 5 each leg with 50#'s and 8 pull-ups.