Week 9 | 2019
Monday 2/25/19 Power Snatch + OHS + Squat Snatch | Build to a heavy 165# Snatch Grip Deadlift 5x5 195# Back Squats 1x20 205#, 1x15 225#, 1x10 245#, 1x5 265#...
Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here
Monday 2/25/19 Power Snatch + OHS + Squat Snatch | Build to a heavy 165# Snatch Grip Deadlift 5x5 195# Back Squats 1x20 205#, 1x15 225#, 1x10 245#, 1x5 265#...
Monday 2/18/19 EMOM 8: 2 Clean & Jerks Climbing | ended at 225# Front Squats 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1 Climbing | ended at 300# AMRAP 8: Clean & Jerks 170# | 41 reps...
Monday 2/11/2019 Snatch Complex: Squat Snatch + OHS + Hang Squat Snatch + OHS | 175# 4 Rounds for time: 24 calorie Assault Bike, 100 double unders, 6 Power Cleans...
Monday 2/4/2019 This week started off kinda crazy with a phone call I've been waiting for... a very long time in fact! I have been reaching out to local mountain...
Monday 1/28/2019 CrossFit Total: 1 rep max squat, strict press, & deadlift | 345#, 170#, 365# 14 minute AMRAP: 7 muscle ups, 50 wall ball shots 20#, 100 double unders...
Monday 1/21/19 Stamina Squatting: 64% of 1rm Front Squat (225#) EMOM (every minute on the minute) for 12 minutes... ODD x3 front squats plus :30s dBall hold 150#, EVEN: x6...
Monday 1/14/19 8 rep heavy back squat | 275#, then 2x8 at 90% of that number 250# 8 rep heavy push press | 145#, then 2x8 at 90% of that...
Apparently I only trained three days this week. I was in Louisville, KY for the ATA show and traveling messed up my program. Regardless, the days I did train, I...
Monday 12/24/2018 2k bike, rest :90s, 3 rounds | 2:20, 2:20, 2:01 5 min AMRAP: 10 ring rows, 10 DB push-ups | 5 rounds 12 min AMRAP: 4 thrusters 135#,...
Hey ya'll - I haven't been slacking, just trying to hunt for late season whitetails and they're not cooperating! Anyways, here's some workouts from the last couple of weeks, by...
Kenetrek Garage Workout -Dan Staton Decisions that pertain to working out need to run through your elk hunting filter. The garage gym is a dark and cold destination, but so...
Monday 10/8/18 1. Back Squats, build to a heavy 5 rep | 275# 2. Strict Press DB's x8 superset with Split Jerk Double | 40#'s and 185# 3. EMOM (every...
Here's a LINK to an interview STAIRMASTER did on me, I will warn you they used some interesting language in their article that doesn't reflect my tone, but I understand...