Monday 2/18/19
EMOM 8: 2 Clean & Jerks Climbing | ended at 225#
Front Squats 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1 Climbing | ended at 300#
AMRAP 8: Clean & Jerks 170# | 41 reps
5 Rounds NOT for time:
5 Step-ups per leg 20" Box, 95# Barbell
8 Lunges per leg with 35#'s Dumbbells
5 GHD Raises
15 GHD Sit-ups
Tuesday 2/19/190
Turkish Get-ups, 3 each side at these loads: 26#,35,44,53
Squat Snatch Singles Heavy but no misses | 175#
For Time:
150 Calorie Row
120 Wall Ball Shots 20# 10' Target
90 Bar Facing Burpees
60 Sandbag Cleans 50#
30 alternating 1 arm Clean & Jerk with Dumbbell 70# | 31:41
Wednesday 2/20/19
Starting at 0:00 3 rounds for time of: 15 front squats 135# and 15 calories Assault Bike | 5:17
Starting at 10:00 60 double unders + 15 strict pull-ups, 60 dubz + 15 kipping pull-ups, 60 dubz + 15 butterfly chest to bar pull-ups, 60 dubz + 15 bar muscle ups | 9:26
Thursday 2/21/19 - REST DAY
Friday 2/22/19
Bench 185# 5x5
20" Box Step-ups with 50#'s Dumbbells 6 reps per leg, 5 sets
Open 19.1, 15 minute AMRAP of: 19 wall ball shots + 19 cal row | 7 rounds + 26 reps.
Saturday 2/23/19 REST DAY
Sunday 2/24/19
45 Minute Assault Bike Flush | 325 calories | low intensity