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Week 7 | 2019

Week 7 | 2019

Monday 2/11/2019

  1. Snatch Complex: Squat Snatch + OHS + Hang Squat Snatch + OHS | 175#
  2. 4 Rounds for time: 24 calorie Assault Bike, 100 double unders, 6 Power Cleans 155#, 5 one Arm Kettlebell thruster per arm 53#, rest 1:00... Total time was 19:39 including rest periods.

Tuesday 2/12/2019

  1. EMOM 12, Odd 3 Front Squats 235# with :30s DBall Bear Hug Hold, Even 5 Back Squats 235#
  2. 30-20-10 for time Manmakers 35#'3 and 20" Box Step-ups with 50# sandbag | 20:30

Wednesday 2/13/2019

  1. EMOM 12 Odd Bench 185# x5, Even MisFit Complex 185# (Power Clean + Push Jerk + Front Squat + Hang Squat Clean + Split Jerk)
  2. Running Clock Workout:

4 min - strict handstand push-ups: 50

3 min - chest to bar pull-ups - 50

2 min - push-ups: 47

1 min - Australian pull-ups: 13

7 min - 15 DB Snatches alternating 50# + 45 Double Unders | 4 rounds + 11 reps

Thursday 2/14/2019 - REST DAY | Travel Day to SLC Western Hunting & Conservation Expo

Friday 2/15/2019 Western Hunting & Conservation EXPO

Saturday 2/16/2019 - 20 minute Assault Bike Ride (200 calories)

Sunday 2/17/2019 - REST DAY

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