Week 41 | 2018

Monday 10/8/18
1. Back Squats, build to a heavy 5 rep | 275#
2. Strict Press DB's x8 superset with Split Jerk Double | 40#'s and 185#
3. EMOM (every minute on the minute)
Min 1 - 1 Power Clean 135#
Min 2 - 2 Burpees
Min 3 - 3 Power Cleans
Min 4 - 4 Burpees
Min 5 - 5 Power Cleans
Min 6 - 6 Burpees... etc....
Completed 15 reps of the 17 power cleans | 151 reps total
Tuesday 10/9/18
1. Front Rack Reverse Lunges 3x5/5 | 95#,135#,165#
2. 3 Position Power Snatch (hip,knee,floor) 6 sets | 95#,95#,115#,115#,135#,145#
3. 5 Rounds for time with 45# bumper plate
15 push-ups feet on bumper
50' of 2 lunges and 2 air squats holding bumper
20 ground to overhead with bumper | 12:37
Wednesday 10/10/18
1. Partner Workout, You go, I go alternating rounds:
20 calorie assault bike
21 kettlebell swings 53#
12 pull-ups
Thursday 10/11/18 REST DAY
Friday 10/12/18
1. Squat Clean + Front Squats (5-4-3-2-1) + Push Press | 135#,165#,185#,195#,205#
2. 30 Muscle Ups for Time | 3:40
3. Dball 70# Ground to Over 7' Bar 3x5
Saturday 10/13/18
Sunday 10/14/18
3 mile backpack ruck, 40# pack, 1,000' elevation gain.
Bohning Archery
Caribou Gear Game Bags
Hoyt Achery
Vortex Optics
Exo Mountain Gear
Option Archery
Easton Archery
Sitka Gear
Kenetrek Boots
Elk Shape Youtube Channel
Elk Shape BOOK
Phelps Quality Game Calls
Off Grid Food Co
FNX Supplements