Week 27 | 2018

Here's a LINK to an interview STAIRMASTER did on me, I will warn you they used some interesting language in their article that doesn't reflect my tone, but I understand they're trying to be bold when it comes to their marketing. If you are offended, that's totally fine with me. Look past the article title and read what I said in the interview.
Heres a video to an interview I did with WIN OUTDOORS.
Monday 7/9/2018
1. Back Squat Triples | 135,185,226,255,285,315
2. 21-15-9
Back Squats Body Weight 155#
Strict Handstand Push-ups
30 Bar Muscle ups | 10:16
3. Bike Conditioning:
3 min light
2 min hard
total cals = 130
Tuesday 7/10/2018
1. "Helen"
3 Rounds for time:
400m Run on the TRUEFORM Treadmill
21 Kettelbell Swings 53#
12 pull-ups | 9:58
2. 5x8 each superset, rest 2:00 b/t sets
Bench | 115,135,155,160,165
Hang Power Clean | 115,135,155,175,185
3. 3 Sets
10 DB Push Press 55's#
15 Weighted Sit-ups25#
Max Effort Diamond Push-ups | 12/12/13
20 GHD Sit-ups
Wednesday 7/11/2018
30 C&J 135#
1 mile run
10 Rope Climbs 15'
1 mile run
100 burpees | 28:52
Thursday 7/12/2018
3 mile Ruck, 1,000 feet gain, 40# pack
Friday 7/13/2018
1. 1 min windown:10 burpees plus max snatches remaining time
Rest 2 minutes b/t rounds, 6 rounds total
1 - 65# 9 reps
2 - 85# 9 reps
3 - 105# 8 reps
4 - 135# 4 reps
5 - 135# 6 reps
6 - 135# 6 reps
2. 100 calories Rogue Echo Bike
:20s work
:20s rest
It took 16 rounds to complete
ElkShape Partners
Bohning Archery
Caribou Gear Game Bags
Hoyt Achery
Mtn Ops
Vortex Optics
Exo Mountain Gear
Option Archery
Easton Archery
Sitka Gear
Kenetrek Boots
Elk Shape Youtube Channel
Elk Shape BOOK
Phelps Quality Game Calls
Off Grid Food Co