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Week 28 | 2018

Week 28 | 2018
Monday 7/16/18 1. Back Squat EMOM 9 min 1 - 5 reps 245# min 2 - 3 reps 265# min 3 - 1 rep 300# repeat 2. Back Rack Reverse Lunges 3 sets of 12 reps (6 per leg) 95#, 115#, 135# 3. Tabata 8 Rounds of :20 seconds or work, :10 seconds of rest (a) Prowler Sled Push 135# | 200m total (b) DB Alternating Snatches 50# | 64 reps (c) Ski Erg Meters | 852 meters Tuesday 7/17/18 1. EMOM 9 min 1 - 4 ring muscle ups min 2 - 50' Handstand walk min 3 - deficit handstand push-up 3 reps repeat 2. Power Clean + Jerk EMOM 8 1&2 - 165# 3&4 - 175# 5&6 - 185# 7&8 - 195# 3. 5 Rounds For Time: 5 C&J 155# 10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups | 5:30 Wednesday 7/18/18 1. For Time: 200 Double Unders 1,500m ROW 100 Wall Ball Shots 20# 10' Target 35 Calories Assault Bike | 17:01 2. DB Strict Press 5 reps + 10 Push Press | 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's 3. GHD Sit-ups 15-15-15-25 Thursday 7/19/18 - REST DAY | Travel day to Steven's Pass for the NW Mountain Challenge Friday 7/20/18 Camping Workout: EMOM 14 Minutes Min 1 - 6 alternating DB Snatches 50# Add 1 rep each minute Finisher: 250m Sprint Repeats x5 (work = rest) Saturday 7/20/18 Shot the NW MOUNTAIN SHOOT at Steven's Pass Sunday 7/21/18 - REST DAY ElkShape Partners Bohning Archery Caribou Gear Game Bags Hoyt Achery Mtn Ops Vortex Optics Exo Mountain Gear Option Archery Easton Archery Sitka Gear Kenetrek Boots OnXmaps Elk Shape Youtube Channel Elk Shape BOOK Phelps Quality Game Calls Off Grid Food Co

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