Week 29 | 2018

Monday July 23rd 2018
1. 3 rep hang power clean | 135,155,175,195,215,235x1
2. 6 rep push press | 115/135/155/175/200x3
3. Back Squats
4. 7 Rounds, Every 3:00 Minutes
400m Row
Toes To Bar
Tuesday July 24th 2018
1. 7 EMOM
35 Dubz + 7 Strict HSPU
2. Build to a heavy 8 rep Deadlift | 305#
3. "Napalm"
2 Rounds For Time
10 Bar Muscle Ups
20 Bar Facing Burpees
30 Deadlifts 225#
40 Wall Ball Shots 30# | 15:29
Wednesday July 25th 2018
Running Clock:
50 calorie Schwinn Bike
5 Peg Board ascents
10 Axle Bar C&J 135#
100' Sled Push 190#
100' Sled Pull 190# | 13:21
40 cal Schwinn Bike
4 Peg Board Ascents
100' Sled Push 190#
100' Sled Pull 190# | 8:34
30 cal Schwinn Bike
10 Axle Bar C&J 155#
1 Peg Board ascent
100' Sled Push 190#
100' Sled Pull 190# | 6:39
Thursday July 26th 2018
Friday July 27th 2018
Warm-up: 100 calories on the Assault Bike
Team of 3 Workout:
7 min AMRAP
70 calorie row
max reps C&J 135# remaining time - 72 reps
rest 3 minutes
6 min AMRAP
60 calorie row
max reps snatch 115# remaining time - 102 reps
rest 3 minutes
5 min AMRAP
50 calorie row
max reps thrusters 95# remaining time - 108 reps
ElkShape Partners
Bohning Archery
Caribou Gear Game Bags
Hoyt Achery
Mtn Ops
Vortex Optics
Exo Mountain Gear
Option Archery
Easton Archery
Sitka Gear
Kenetrek Boots
Elk Shape Youtube Channel
Elk Shape BOOK
Phelps Quality Game Calls
Off Grid Food Co