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Week 51

Week 51

Monday 12/24/2018

  1. 2k bike, rest :90s, 3 rounds | 2:20, 2:20, 2:01
  2. 5 min AMRAP: 10 ring rows, 10 DB push-ups | 5 rounds
  3. 12 min AMRAP: 4 thrusters 135#, 8 Chest to Bar Pull-ups, 12 Bar Facing Burpees | 6 +4

Tuesday 12/25/2018 - REST DAY

Wednesday 12/26/2018

  1. Box Squats 12" with 80# Chains plus 185#, 5x3
  2. Barbell Box Step-ups 20" 5x6/6 115#
  3. For Time: 30 push jerks 135#, 200' Dball Bear Hug Carry 150#, 30 Strict HSPU, 30 Alternating DB Snatches 70#, 30 Ring Push-ups, 10 Dball Ground to over shoulder 150#, 30 calorie bike, 30 toes to bar, 30 GHD sit-ups | 21:33

Thursday 12/27/2018

  1. 7 rounds, 100m row, rest 1:00 | fastest 0:19s
  2. 5 rounds not for time: x7 Push Press 165#, x10 strict pull-up, x8 Pendlay rows 115#, x8 double kettlebell hang snatch 53#'s, Waiter's Walk 200' 53#, Single Leg Deadlift x8 per leg 50#'s
  3. Bike Intervals, :25s sprint, :35s rest, 8 rounds | 80 cals

Friday 12/28/2019

4 Rounds for time: 200m run trueform treadmill, x12 abmat sit-ups, 10 DB Box Step Overs 20" 50#'s | 9:12

BONUS: GHD Raises 30 reps, Axle Deadlifts 205# 30 reps, toes to bars 50 reps, 36" Box Jumps 10 reps

Bohning Archery
Caribou Gear Game Bags
Hoyt Achery
Vortex Optics
Exo Mountain Gear
Option Archery
Easton Archery
Sitka Gear
Kenetrek Boots
Elk Shape Youtube Channel
Elk Shape BOOK
Phelps Quality Game Calls
Off Grid Food Co
FNX Supplements

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