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WEEK 24 | 2019

WEEK 24 | 2019

Hey if you're reading this then you probably creep on my training journal - thank you!  I have been pretty off track on training, due to bear season and a few extended bear hunts.  So now that I'm done with that for the season, I have picked up where I left off.  Always feel free to email me if you have any questions on the programming or want to let me know you're doing some of the pieces!


Monday 6/10/19

1. Back Squat 155#x10, 205#x8, 235#x6, 255#x4, 275#x2

2. 16 minute AMRAP: 2,4,6,8...etc... Devil Presses & DB Step-ups 50#'s 24" Box | 120 reps 

Tuesday 6/11/19

1. Warm-up: 4 rds of :40s work, :20s rest - ski erg, mini bands lateral walks, goblet squats with mini bands 44#

2. 3 Position Snatch with 2 second pause at each position (floor, knee, hip) | 155#

3. Deadlifts 3x10 255# Across

4. 10 Minute AMRAP of: 20 wall ball shots 20#, 15 GHD Sit-ups, 25' Handstand walk | 4 rounds + 20 reps

Wednesday 6/12/19


8 rounds for time with 8 reps per movement: Thrusters 75#, Chest to Bar Pull-ups, Clapping Push-ups, Power Snatches, Knee to Elbows, Sumo Deadlift to High-Pulls, Handstand Push-ups, Toes To Bar... with a 800m Run Buy-out after 8 rounds.


Thursday 6/13/19 REST DAY

Friday 6/14/19
1 mile echo bike
30 ttb
15 cleans 135#
250m run
0.75 mile bike
20 ttb
10 cleans
250m run
0.5 mile bike
10 ttb
5 cleans
250m run

Saturday 6/15/19 REST DAY

Sunday 6/16/19

100 goblet squats for time w/44# kb
EMOM 4 strict pull-ups and start with 4.
20# weight vest | 6:35

Odd: 10 cal ass bike
Even: 10 cal ski erg

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