WEEK 24 | 2019
Hey if you're reading this then you probably creep on my training journal - thank you! I have been pretty off track on training, due to bear season and a...
Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here
Hey if you're reading this then you probably creep on my training journal - thank you! I have been pretty off track on training, due to bear season and a...
Make time for training, when you can, with what you got!
Monday 2/25/19 Power Snatch + OHS + Squat Snatch | Build to a heavy 165# Snatch Grip Deadlift 5x5 195# Back Squats 1x20 205#, 1x15 225#, 1x10 245#, 1x5 265#...
Hey ya'll - I haven't been slacking, just trying to hunt for late season whitetails and they're not cooperating! Anyways, here's some workouts from the last couple of weeks, by...