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  • Week 31 | 2019

    Week 31 | 2019

    Monday 7/29/19 CrossOver Symmetry Protocol Warm-up: 3 rounds not for time: 20 air squats, 5 kettlebell clean & jerk 35#'s, 5 dBall ground to over 7' pull-up bar 100# KB...

  • Week 27 | 2019

    Week 27 | 2019

    Despite family obligations and one dumb ass accident, we are getting our training in for elk season.

  • WEEK 24 | 2019

    WEEK 24 | 2019

    Hey if you're reading this then you probably creep on my training journal - thank you!  I have been pretty off track on training, due to bear season and a...

  • Week 48

    Week 48

    Hey ya'll - I haven't been slacking, just trying to hunt for late season whitetails and they're not cooperating! Anyways, here's some workouts from the last couple of weeks, by...