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Week 31 | 2019

Week 31 | 2019

Monday 7/29/19

CrossOver Symmetry Protocol

Warm-up: 3 rounds not for time: 20 air squats, 5 kettlebell clean & jerk 35#'s, 5 dBall ground to over 7' pull-up bar 100#

KB Front Rack Lunges 100' 53#'s + Reverse Hypers 70# x20, 4 rounds

4 Minute AMRAP, 3 rounds, rest 1 min b/t rounds:

20 GHD Sit-ups, 20 cal row, 20 DB Alternating Snatches 60#, Max Wall Ball Shots 30# | round 1 - 8 wall ball shots, round 2 - 8, round 3 - 10

Tuesday 7/30/19

Pull-ups x8 EMOM (every minute on the minute) for 6 minutes, ride assault bike easy b/t sets

10 Minute AMRAP: 2 power cleans + 2 bar muscle ups, 4 power cleans + 4 bar muscle ups...6+6...etc   | 62 reps total

Bitch Work: 3 rounds of 20 cal ski erg, 20 cal assault bike, rest :90s | 1:59, 2:06, 2:12

Wednesday 7/31/2019


odd: 5 kb hang snatches 44# ea. arm + 5 deficit strict handstand push-ups 5"

even: max bike cals

total cals = 107

Thursday 8/1/19 - REST DAY

Friday 8/2/19

Pre Scouting Trip Workout:

For Time - 50 cal bike, 50 DB thrusters 25#'s, 50 cal bike, 50 DB thrusters | 14:54


Scouting Trip was a huge success, now we wait.  I will post a YouTube video on the trip but in the meantime, make sure you've seen this:




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